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A decision adopted by the AU Executive Commission might allow the Polisario to attend the AU-EU summit
Publié dans Yabiladi le 18 - 10 - 2017

The Polisario is in the process of getting an invitation to attend the African Union-EU summit shedualed for the 29th and 30th of November in Abidjan. Before electing Moussa Faki Mahamat, a Chadian politician, as the chairperson of the African Union Commission and Morocco's admission to the Panafrican organization, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, a South-African politician, has offered the separatist Front a valuable gift. Details.
It is official now, the African Union Executive Council, which held a meeting on the 16th of October in Addis Ababa, decided to give Cote d'ivoire a 10-day deadline to send invitations to all AU member states to attend the upcoming African Union-European Union summit including the Polisario Front. Obviously, members of the Council were pressured by South Africa which is considered a strong ally of the separatist movement in the African Union and the continent in general.
Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, was mandated by the Council to «carry his high-level consultations and conclude them on the 27th of October 2017. If a consensus on the basis of the decision of the African Union, Decision EX.CL/Dec.942(XXX), is not reached paragraphs 4 and 5 will be automatically applied», said the statement issued yesterday.
To put it in other words, the Decision entitled EX.CL/Dec.942(XXX) was approved by the African Union Executive Council during the Thirteenth ordinary session held from the 25th to the 27th of January 2017.
The decision suggests that all Member States have the right «to participate in all meetings, activities and events organized within the context of partnerships». The decision warns indicating that «all Member States that do not comply with the provisions will be deprived from the privilege of hosting the meetings».
A decision to help the Polisario
This resolution was adopted only a few days before Morocco's admission to the Panafrican organization. It is indeed the last gift of South Africa to the Polisarion Front as Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma was the former Chairperson of the African Union Executive Commission before Member States elected Moussa Faki Mahamat, a Chadian politician.
A decision to abort all the attempts put by Morocco to exclude the Polisario from participating to the international summit. The latter will be attended by the European Union member states alongside India, China, Japan and the Arab League countries.
France previously voiced its position regarding the participation of the Polisario to the 5th African Union-EU summit. On Monday, 10th of October, the French Foreign Minister, Jean Yves le Drian declared in Rabat as reported by APS that France is for «a consensus solution that would allow only sovereign states to participate in the partnership meeting, AU-EU».

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