American expatriate, diplomat and founder of the notorious Rick's Café Kathy Kriger passed away, Thursday 26th of July, wrote the US Embassy on its Twitter account. Kriger has been living in Morocco since 1998. She was working as a commercial counselor for the U.S. Embassy in Rabat but decided three years later to quit her job and live the Moroccan dream. So in love with the Kingdom, the retired diplomat had the idea of recreating a café that appeared in one of the best known movies on Morocco and Casablanca in particular. Inspired by the American 1942 drama/romance movie «Casablanca», Kriger created a company called The Usual Suspects, referring to a book on the making of the Hollywood movie, and opened Rick's Café in the middle of the ancient Medina in Morocco's commercial hub. فقدت العلاقات الأمريكية المغربية الشخصية الرائعة كاثي كريغر التي حلّت أولاً بالدارالبيضاء للعمل كدبلوماسية ، قبل أن تعشق المغرب وتقرر المكوث به. قامت كاثي بفتح مقهى ريك في الدارالبيضاء استلهاما بالفيلم الكلاسيكي الأمريكي. كانت من الشخصيات الأكثر شعبية في محيطها، سنفتقدها بشدة. — U.S. Embassy Morocco (@USEmbMorocco) July 26, 2018 «It [Rick's Café] captured my passion for architectural preservation, decoration, food, music and entertaining - and got built because of my perseverance and optimism», wrote the diplomat on the restaurant's website. «She made Rick's Café in the classic film Casablanca into reality, and was a larger-than-life figure in the community. We will miss her dearly», tweeted the US embassy this Thursday. The café was a reincarnation of the spirit of the movie that made Americans know more about Morocco but was also a way for Kriger to demonstrate «true American values».