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Aicha Duihi's fight for Sahrawi rights : Advocating from Geneva to end impunity in Tindouf
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 03 - 2025

Aicha Duihi, president of the International Observatory for Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights (IOPDHR), continues her fight to defend the rights of Sahrawis living in the Tindouf camps. Based in Geneva, she works to raise awareness within the international community about the ongoing human rights violations in these camps, which are located on Algerian territory.
Wednesday, March 20, 2025. It's 1:00 PM at the headquarters of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. We have an appointment with Sahrawi activist Aicha Duihi, who is set to lead a side event during the 58th session of the UNHRC. Dressed in her traditional melhfa, she strides into the Palais des Nations with quiet determination, embodying her lifelong commitment to human rights advocacy.
Born in Laayoune, Aicha Duihi has built an impressive academic and professional career. She earned a Master's in Economics and Management from Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech, later specializing at the Institute of Business Administration in Poitiers. To further serve her cause, she deepened her legal expertise at Mohammed V University in Rabat. Today, as president of the Sahara Observatory for Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights (IOPDHR), she dedicates her life to defending human rights in the Sahara and beyond.
A Call for Action on Tindouf
From the outset of our conversation, Aicha Duihi is direct and unwavering. She denounces the lack of a clear legal status for the Sahrawi populations in Tindouf, who remain deprived of their most basic rights.
«These camps are officially recognized as refugee camps by the United Nations, yet they fail to meet the basic criteria for refugee status», she asserts.
She describes an alarming situation: the residents of Tindouf live without an official census, without freedom of movement or expression, and under the opaque control of the Polisario Front.
«We receive harrowing testimonies of extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances, and arbitrary detentions», she adds grimly.
As the host country, Algeria also faces criticism for its lack of oversight. Despite being a signatory to the Geneva Convention on Refugees, it has never granted official refugee status to the Sahrawis in Tindouf, leaving them in a perpetual legal limbo.
«Algeria has completely delegated the management of these camps to the Polisario, including military and judicial control, which is a direct violation of international law», Duihi emphasizes.
Fighting for Justice from Geneva
For over three years, the IOPDHR has been operating from Geneva, documenting and exposing human rights violations worldwide, with a particular focus on the Sahara. The organization produces reports, collaborates with other NGOs, and engages with international human rights bodies.
Duihi stresses the urgency of raising awareness among UN and European institutions about the conditions in Tindouf.
«We have already brought this issue before multiple United Nations bodies and the European Parliament, yet the silence persists», she laments.
Still, her determination remains unshaken. Through its advocacy, the IOPDHR is pushing for international recognition of the abuses committed and for Algeria to be held accountable.
«It is unacceptable that these people have been held captive for nearly 50 years, without the possibility of return or resettlement in dignified conditions», she insists.
Looking ahead, the Geneva-based organization plans to intensify its advocacy, relying on direct testimonies and in-depth investigative reports. Whether in Geneva or Brussels, Aicha Duihi is committed to ensuring that Sahrawi voices are heard and that the impunity in Tindouf comes to an end.
Her relentless efforts were recognized in 2019 when she received the European Prize for International Women's Leadership at the European Parliament—an acknowledgment of her unwavering fight for justice.

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