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Luca Guadagnino embraces his «Moroccan roots» at Marrakech International Film Festival
Publié dans Yabiladi le 30 - 11 - 2024

The 21st edition of the Marrakech International Film Festival (FIFM 2024) opened on Friday evening with the presentation of the jury chaired this year by Italian director Luca Guadagnino. Returning to this event, which he attended for the first time 2011, Australian director Justin Kurzel presented his feature film «The Order», rooted in the very current themes of white supremacy.
The 21st Marrakech International Film Festival (FIFM 2024), held from November 29 to December 7, kicked off Friday evening at the Palais des Congrès. The festival's program features 70 cinematic works from 32 countries, divided across seven sections, including 12 supported by the Atlas Workshops, the industry program launched in 2018. Notably, nine of these films were previously selected to represent their countries at the Oscars.
During the opening ceremony, audiences were introduced to trailers for the 14 competing masterpieces, covering diverse genres such as melodrama, documentary, science fiction, and romantic comedy. Titles include Happy Holidays by Scandar Copti, The Cottage by Silvina Schnicer, Happyend by Neo Sora, Jane Austen Ruined My Life by Laura Piani, Under the Volcano by Damian Kocur, The Village Next to Paradise by Mo Harawe, and The Wolves Always Come at Night by Gabrielle Brady, among others.
This carefully curated selection reflects a variety of artistic visions, many from directors presenting their first or second films. The lineup provides a rich exploration of universal and contemporary themes, including collective struggles, personal resilience, climate challenges, family dynamics, and questions of youth, hope, and disillusionment. Throughout the festival, cinephiles can experience feature films from Morocco and beyond, with significant representation from Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
The American actress Patricia Arquette, the Argentine director Santiago Mitre, and the actress Nadia Kounda (l. to r.) / Ph. FIFMThe American actress Patricia Arquette, the Argentine director Santiago Mitre, and the actress Nadia Kounda (l. to r.) / Ph. FIFM
Luca Guadagnino, Morocco, and his family
The jury, presided over by Luca Guadagnino, has the responsibility of selecting the winner of the Golden Star at this year's festival. In his speech, the acclaimed Italian producer and director shared his enthusiasm for returning to the Marrakech International Film Festival (FIFM), a place he first visited in 2002. Reflecting on that experience, he mentioned how he had «immediately found [his] deep roots» upon arriving in the city.
He went on to explain his personal connection to Morocco, saying, «My Algerian mother grew up in Casablanca. She was, in fact, Moroccan, and so I was also half Moroccan».
Guadagnino described his unique vision of Marrakech and its connection to cinema: «For me, Marrakech and cinema are the same thing—namely, the mystery of the image, the power of editing, of contrast, the beauty, and the overflowing strength that animate the cinema I love, which, for me, embody Marrakech and Morocco». The filmmaker also expressed his gratitude, calling it «an honor, a responsibility, and a privilege» to preside over the jury for FIFM 2024.
Luca Guadagnino / Ph. FIFMLuca Guadagnino / Ph. FIFM
Luca Guadagnino expressed his joy at «sharing this journey with magnificent filmmakers, many of whom are already dear friends and will become lifelong ones, thanks to this shared experience». He added, «Together, we will live alongside first and second feature films, which will make us discover so many things we do not know».
This year, the jury includes a diverse group of prominent figures: Moroccan actress Nadia Kounda, Iranian director Ali Abbasi, Indian director Zoya Akhtar, American actress Patricia Arquette, Belgian actress Virginie Efira, Australian actor Jacob Elordi, British-American actor Andrew Garfield, and Argentine director Santiago Mitre.
FIFM 2024: Luca Guadagnino replaces Thomas Vinterberg at the head of the jury
The British-American actor Andrew Garfield, the Indian director Zoya Akhtar, and the Australian actor Jacob Elordi (l. to r.) / Ph. FIFMThe British-American actor Andrew Garfield, the Indian director Zoya Akhtar, and the Australian actor Jacob Elordi (l. to r.) / Ph. FIFM
Justin Kurzel returns to the FIFM with «The Order»
Returning to the FIFM, Justin Kurzel presented his new police thriller, The Order, inspired by real events. A Golden Star winner for his debut feature in 2011 and a jury member at the 2022 edition, the Australian director expressed his joy and gratitude for being part of this prestigious cinematic event, which he now considers a familiar and cherished space.
This film, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival and is set for release in December 2024, features British actor Jude Law in the role of Terry Musk, an FBI agent determined to track down the leaders of The Order, a white supremacist group responsible for violent acts in the northwestern United States during the 1980s.
Justin Kurzel at FIFM 2024 / Ph. FIFMJustin Kurzel at FIFM 2024 / Ph. FIFM
Based on the book «The Silent Brotherhood» published by Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt in 1989, the screenplay resonates with concerns and issues rooted in contemporary political life, namely the rise of white nationalism and the move to violent action.
Besides this special screening, the program for the other days of FIFM 2024 unfolds through the official competition, gala screenings, special screenings, the 11th continent, the panorama of Moroccan cinema, youth and family screenings, as well as conversations and tributes.
Article modifié le 30/11/2024 à 17h03

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