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Morocco maintains strong opposition to De Mistura's South Africa visit on Sahara
Publié dans Yabiladi le 03 - 02 - 2024

Morocco has openly criticized the recent visit by UN envoy Staffan de Mistura to South Africa. Ambassador Omar Hilale stated, «We directly expressed to Mr. de Mistura, as well as to the UN secretariat, Morocco's categorical opposition to such a trip».
Morocco's permanent representative to the United Nations, Omar Hilale, did not mince words in expressing his disapproval of UN envoy Staffan de Mistura's recent visit to South Africa. In an interview with MAP, Morocco's state news agency, Hilale characterized the visit as a «simple error of assessment» and a violation of de Mistura's mandate.
Hilale emphasized that Morocco was «at no time, consulted, nor even informed» about the visit. He further stressed that «as soon as we became aware of this planned visit, several weeks ago, we directly expressed to Mr. de Mistura, as well as to the UN secretariat, Morocco's categorical opposition to such a trip, as well as our rejection of any interaction with Pretoria on the subject of the Moroccan Sahara question, citing legitimate and objective reasons».
Expressing a hope that this wasn't «a question of distrust in Morocco on the part of Mr. de Mistura», Hilale nonetheless asserted that «regardless, Morocco clearly warned him about the consequences of his trip on the political process».
Hilale went on to detail how the kingdom reminded the UN envoy «of the fundamentals of his mandate, which are his letter of appointment by the UN Secretary-General, which specifies that he will have to work exclusively with the four stakeholders in the political process, as well as the Security Council resolutions since 2007, including 2703, of October 30th».
«Morocco will never allow South Africa to have any role in the Sahara issue»
He elaborated on these resolutions, stating that they «make no reference to South Africa, and even less to any alleged role or contribution of this country to the political process. Listing to the Personal Envoy the multiple elements disqualifying South Africa from any interference in the Moroccan Sahara issue, I would limit myself to recalling that this country recognizes the chimerical entity and supports the 'polisario' politically, diplomatically, medially and militarily».
Hilale declared, «For all these reasons, Morocco will never allow South Africa to have any role in the Moroccan Sahara issue», adding, «Pretoria has been and remains toxic for the question of the Moroccan Sahara».
His criticism extended to South Africa's Foreign Minister, stating his surprise at her comments on «approaches» discussed with de Mistura. Hilale asserted, «Morocco is not aware of any approach. And if there are approaches, it is with Morocco and the other parties that they must be discussed and not with South Africa». He reiterated Morocco's position on the round table format: «for the Kingdom, there is only one approach. It is that of round tables, with the exclusive participation of Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and the 'polisario', as recommended by successive resolutions of the Security Council».
He concluded by expressing Morocco's hope that «Mr. de Mistura devotes his efforts more to convincing Algeria to regain its place at the Round Table, as in 2018 and 2019».
The UN's response
In response to a question from MAP, the UN defended de Mistura's visit to South Africa, stating that it was part of the exercise of his «mandate». UN Secretary-General spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric clarified that «in order to relaunch the political process, the UN envoy is free to consult the parties concerned by the question of Western Sahara and others».
It is worth noting that in a letter addressed to Antonio Guterres in March 2023, Morocco had already condemned Pretoria's «blind ideological support» for the Polisario. The letter stated, «The Kingdom of Morocco deeply regrets that South Africa lends itself, once again, to the role of factor of an armed separatist group, whose connections with terrorism in the Sahel are proven».

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