At least 387 Moroccans living abroad have died so far because of the coronavirus, a source within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Yabiladi. 461 others have died due to different reasons, bringing the total number of deceased Moroccan nationals abroad to 848 as of Sunday, May 3. These numbers concern only the deaths communicated to the Moroccan diplomatic networks abroad. The number of Covid-19-related deaths or others could be higher because not all Moroccan families abroad report their losses to the Moroccan consulates. According to the same source, «113 requests were made to cover the burial expenses that have all been met». Morocco indeed supports the burial of people in need. The Moroccan community abroad, especially in Europe, is paying a heavy price during this pandemic. For the record, Morocco has recorded 174 deaths related to the coronavirus on its territory, as of Sunday, May 3. Bilan Coronavirus dans le monde 259 465 151 Contaminations 5 174 661 Décès 235 366 205 Guérisons 53.8% de la population mondiale vaccinée