Africa Diabetes, a social enterprise that supports people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in living and managing their condition, launched its training center dedicated for diabetes in Africa and the Middle East. After targeting health professionals (doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dieticians), diabetic patients and their parents as well as businesses, today AfricaDiabets seeks to reach schools in Morocco, says its associate director Rachid Jankari on his LinkedIn account. Africa Diabetes declares that its training center is willing to accompany and to train school personnel to know the potential risks of diabetes and manage emergency cases, such as hypoglycemia, safety. It will also provide support for children teenagers who are faced with daily constraints because of their illness. Finally, the academic achievement of students with diabetes through planning, and education will allow them to attend normal schooling and reduce the risk of school drop-out and failure due to diabetes. For the record, diabetes today has become a public health issue. About 2 million Moroccans over the age of 20 are diagnosed with the chronic disease.