Moroccan nationals are the fourth nationality to seek asylum in Luxembourg, according to the daily Luxemburger Wort. Out of a total of 1,369 people who sought international protection, 120 are Moroccan. The Syrians (224) were the first to seek asylum there, followed by Serbs (150) and Algerians (195). The country registered more applications this year than in 2016, which amounted to 1,025. This year, Luxembourg has granted refugee status to 619 people and subsidiary protection to 11 people. On the other hand, the request for international protection of 389 individuals was rejected. Some of those seeking asylum have been transferred to other European Union countries as part of the Dublin III Regulation, which indicates that the country where the asylum application has been lodged is the one responsible for its investigation and the final decision. A total of 283 applications were transferred from Luxembourg this year : 106 to Germany, 49 to the Netherlands, 28 to Italy and 19 to Belgium. The applications which have been transferred to Luxembourg (48) come from the Netherlands (12), Germany (8), Switzerland (6) and Belgium (5). On the other hand, 282 asylum seekers have returned to their country of origin; 53 were obliged and 229 did so voluntarily.