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Diaspo #371 : Naïma Hadji, a passion for hairdressing that «brings back smiles»
Publié dans Yabiladi le 11 - 01 - 2025

Among her six brothers, Naïma Hadji became interested in hairdressing out of curiosity, wondering about the most suitable styles for curly hair. Though initially drawn to early childhood education careers, she ultimately steered toward a professional career in hairdressing, eventually opening her salon in Morocco.
Born in Saint-Vallier in Saône-et-Loire, Naïma Hadji grew up in Creutzwald, in northeastern France. Initially directed toward a Professional/Bio Baccalaureate, she had imagined a future in early childhood education before considering a change in her academic path. Even as a young girl, she spontaneously questioned hairstyling when noticing the difference between her curls and her schoolmates' straight hair. Moreover, her interest leaned more toward artistic activities, though she lacked the proper guidance to progress in this field.
During her last two years of high school, Naïma Hadji remembers being «very bored», lacking an appropriate framework to capitalize on her vocations. She returned to her primary interest in hairdressing, which led her to join a training school in Metz. «I had this desire within me to be well-groomed and to style others well, to perhaps contribute to giving people a small sense of well-being and a smile, in that way», she tells Yabiladi.
But at the time, the professional training cost over 5,000 euros. «My parents couldn't afford it. But my brother Mustapha had just entered professional football at that time. He truly encouraged me by reassuring me about the school funding and pushing me to do what I wanted most, as he always wanted the best for me», Naïma confides.
Hairdressing, a small gesture toward well-being
For over 10 years now, Naïma Hadji has been working in hairdressing in Morocco, where she successfully opened her salon in Marrakech. «I think my brother had good intuition, and he gave me this chance. I'm happy with what I've managed to make of it», she adds. But before this permanent establishment in the ochre city, she went through a real obstacle course.
After graduating in France, Naïma Hadji first joined a hair salon in Farébersviller. She quickly became a manager before working in chain hairdressing. After multiple professional experiences, particularly in the Paris region, she returned to her hometown following a divorce. There, she temporarily stepped away from the field to work in another area that was equally part of her predilections. She worked as a school life assistant, supporting children with difficulties.
During this period, Naïma Hadji kept the idea of returning to hairdressing in mind. At the same time, her brother Youssouf opened a salon with his wife. Naïma worked there with her sister-in-law for several years while caring for her first daughter. As a single mother, she decided to take another break from the field. «A little later, during a vacation in Morocco, I met my current husband, who was also in professional football», she recalls.
Since then, the sequence of events gradually led the family mother to settle permanently in her country of origin. After her second marriage, Naïma Hadji now takes care of her two daughters while planning to launch into hairdressing in Morocco. «It was very complicated because I couldn't find a suitable position, my husband had to return to France to advance in his professional career... I had great support from my parents and family, but the start wasn't easy», she confides.
After first settling in Casablanca, Naïma Hadji made multiple trips to Marrakech, where her brother Mustapha had settled after signing with the national team. The former international player supported his sister once again to open her first salon in the ochre city. After a series of adventures over several years, the hairdresser succeeded in establishing her brand: Niya Beauty. Besides building a loyal clientele, she stands out through her social media content. Between makeup and hairdressing, success is confirmed.
A permanent establishment in Marrakech
Naïma Hadji managed to find her current location and purchase it. Her business now has a storefront in downtown Marrakech. Also supported by her husband during all these years, she benefited from exclusive training with the famous Lebanese hairdresser Mounir, who taught her the tricks of the trade.
«My husband, who loves to surprise me and show me that everything is possible, continued to exchange extensively with Mounir after an initial open masterclass in Paris. He managed to stay in contact with the salon in Beirut, then book me training in Lebanon, although Mounir had never done that before.»
Naïma Hadji
Having at heart to give herself the means for professional development, train her teams, and continue to satisfy her clients, Naïma Hadji makes the deliberate choice not to «remain seated in her chair» as the owner of her hair salon. «If I had taken that posture, I would have closed long ago. The secret to success is always to get your hands dirty, to support your staff», she tells us, saying she was strongly impressed by her trainer's level of professionalism.
«I had this chance and example by working with a great hairdressing professional who has succeeded and is world-renowned. Therefore, I cannot allow myself to come to my salon just to give orders and assign tasks because I'm the owner. I'm also part of my team, as I believe I learned to transmit and show my staff how to work, to make them responsible and to expand my staff, I hope».
Naïma Hadji
With a 22-year career in hairdressing, Naïma Hadji wants to remind everyone that «no profession is less noble than another». In her extended circle, the hairdresser especially hopes «that parents are aware enough to support their children's vocations, rather than pushing them to invest in careers through which they wouldn't cultivate their passion and would be more unhappy than anything else». «This is the kindness I wish to see in the parent-child relationships I observe around me, and I remain very attentive to this with my daughters as well», she confides.
As mothers and fathers, Naïma Hadji believes that «we should be firm with our young people, in that we are there to teach them that nothing is easy, that they must work to succeed and that we won't do things in their place; but we must show them at the same time that we are there to support them in their efforts and decisions when they choose their path and that we don't impose it on them».

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