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Foreign Minister Bourita eases Egypt's concerns over Morocco-Ethiopia relations
Publié dans Yabiladi le 11 - 09 - 2024

Morocco's Foreign Minister, Nasser Bourita, met with his Egyptian counterpart, Badr Abdel Ati, in Cairo to discuss strengthening bilateral relations and addressing regional issues like the Libyan crisis and Nile water dispute. Egypt expressed concerns over Morocco's growing ties with Ethiopia, especially following the visit of Ethiopia's military chief to Morocco.
On Tuesday, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita met in Cairo with his Egyptian counterpart, Badr Abdel Ati. The MAP agency described their discussions as «deep». In a press statement, Egypt's diplomatic spokesperson praised the «brotherly relations between the two countries and their peoples» and emphasized the importance of joint efforts to strengthen bilateral ties and expand cooperation in all areas, as reported by Egyptian media. He also highlighted the need for «coordination and collaboration on matters of shared interest to advance both nations' goals».
The spokesperson noted that the ministers discussed various issues, including «the Libyan crisis, developments in Sudan, the Nile water dispute, the situation in the Horn of Africa, and ensuring security and stability across the African continent, particularly in the Sahel and Sahara regions».
Egypt's concerns over Morocco's closer ties with Ethiopia
These discussions between Nasser Bourita and Badr Abdel Ati followed a visit to Morocco by Ethiopian Armed Forces Chief of Staff, Marshal Birhanu Jula Gelalcha, from August 25 to 29.
This visit raised concerns in Egypt, though Cairo has not officially commented. However, Egyptian analysts have voiced apprehensions about the strengthening of ties between Rabat and Addis Ababa. «The timing of this rapprochement is not a good signal», Egyptian academic Yasser Al-Hawari told the American newspaper Al Hurra.
Al-Hawari questioned whether the Moroccan authorities would need to clarify their stance regarding the growing relations with Ethiopia, asking, «Why Ethiopia, especially at this time, given the lack of shared interests between the two countries?» Similar concerns were echoed by France 24 Arabic and DW Arabic.
It is worth noting that in May 2022, Nasser Bourita assured then-Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry of «Morocco's full support for Egypt's water security as an integral part of Arab water security». He also called for abandoning unilateral policies on international rivers and adhering to international law, including the 2015 agreement on the filling and operation of Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam.
The latest developments in Morocco-Ethiopia relations, despite Ethiopia's recognition of the «SADR,» began before Marshal Birhanu Jula Gelalcha's visit. Last June, a Royal Armed Forces (FAR) delegation traveled to Addis Ababa without raising concerns in Cairo.
On May 20, 2024, Addis Ababa hosted the first session of political consultations between Morocco and Ethiopia, co-chaired by Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General Ambassador Fouad Yazough and Ethiopian State Minister for Foreign Affairs Mesganu Arga.
Following Tuesday's talks in Cairo, Morocco and Egypt announced that the «fourth session of the mechanism for dialogue, coordination, and political and strategic consultation» will be held soon. The last session of this partnership framework took place in May 2022 in Rabat.

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