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Achraf Moukham, a young trucker who breaks stereotypes in road transport
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 08 - 2024

His skills and language abilities were not enough to escape the stubborn prejudices of his elders among truckers. Achraf Moukham's physique appears far removed from that of his colleagues in road transport and logistics. However, the younger generation to which he belongs views things differently, beyond the stereotypes.
With his slim figure, Achraf Moukham defies the classic stereotype of the imposing truck driver. Despite his qualifications and strong belief that the transport and logistics sector now demands additional skills, such as language proficiency, he still faces discrimination and rejection from the older generation. At just 22 years old, this young professional finds himself up against a wall of prejudice, which overlooks his qualifications, built on excellence and perseverance.
Even before starting his professional career, the El Hajeb native encountered challenges in integrating with the older generation. He recalls, at seventeen, receiving a discouraging response when seeking advice from a truck-driving neighbor about entering the business. The elder suggested he continue his studies, claiming that trick-driving «isn't for this generation». These words, however, only strengthened his resolve.
«I couldn't wait to be 21, the legal age to get a driver's license, which I got, by the way. Before that, I used my time to acquire new skills while accompanying some transporters on trips, both in Morocco and abroad».
Achraf Moukham
Despite his motivation, high ambitions, and work ethic, Achraf's tone of disappointment is evident in his interview with Yabiladi. He describes facing workplace discrimination: «They think I'm young and incompetent, simply because of the way I look», he laments. These prejudices have made his career much more challenging, as the belief that a truck driver must have «a tall stature and a big moustache» remains ingrained in many minds.
One of Achraf's most brutal experiences occurred during a business trip to Senegal. After four days of preparing the truck and shipping goods, some people advised his boss, on the day of departure, not to send him because of his young age and size. Although his boss had complete confidence in him, he succumbed to the pressure and appointed someone else.
«That moment was very painful, especially after I heard them tell my boss: 'You're trusting someone who doesn't even know how to ride a bike. If you send your truck with him, you can be sure you'll never see your vehicle again.'»
Achraf Moukham
Despite these setbacks, Achraf has managed to make a name for himself in this tough industry, not least by working with a family member. Like Sisyphus, Achraf has to prove himself on every mission where he is called in as a replacement or as a companion to the main driver. Claiming to be a victim of intimidation, he laments that his employer's entourage devalues him just as he gains his employer's trust.
Turning hardship into long-term success
To overcome these difficulties, Achraf works tirelessly to develop his skills, even participating in training courses abroad, such as in Turkey. His driving force is to prove that the new generation is capable of succeeding in this field, despite the older generation's reluctance to give opportunities to the young. Achraf is also working on improving his language skills; he is already fluent in French, English, and some Spanish.
Against all odds, Achraf is pursuing his dream of making a name for himself in the transport industry—a passion that began at the age of seven when he traveled alongside his uncle in his big truck. These fond memories fueled his ambition. He recalls humorous moments, such as one that occurred on a journey to Nouakchott: «A policeman stopped me and said, 'I thought the truck was driving itself. I couldn't see you behind the wheel!'»
Looking to the future, Achraf shares that his greatest dream is to establish an international transport company in his own country. In the meantime, with the support of his parents, he continues to seek ways to broaden his experience.

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