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Diaspo #323 : Fatima Zahra El Mhijar crushes sereotypes behind the wheel
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 01 - 2024

Moroccan immigrant in France, Fatima Zahra El Mhijar, shattered traditional expectations for women's work when she got behind the wheel of a large truck in early 2023. Now, after conquering French roads, she sets her sights on the wider world. This year, Fatima Zahra aims to join the ranks of international transportation, crossing bridges both literal and metaphorical as she drives between Morocco and France.
January 17th was no ordinary day for Fatima Zahra El Mhijar. It was the day she first gripped the wheel of a professional truck, embarking on a journey she'd long envisioned.
«I received a call at 1 AM from a company that had seen my CV. They needed a last-minute replacement for a sick driver, and I didn't hesitate», she told Yabiladi, recalling the thrill of that moment. Despite the late hour, the urgency ignited her eagerness. «I needed the job», she admits, «and I was more than ready to dive into this field».
The timing didn't deter Fatima Zahra. «They gave me just 30 minutes to reach the pickup point», she laughs, «and somehow, I made it! I drove like the wind and even arrived early».
At home, she kept her husband in the loop with a text, opting not to disturb his sleep. His unwavering support proved constant. «He's one of my biggest cheerleaders», she beams. «From the start, he understood my aspirations, and we agreed to be each other's pillars of strength, built on trust».
But a surprise awaited at the pickup point. The truck, unlike the one she'd trained on, was colossal. Fear flickered briefly, but Fatima Zahra, determined, rose to the challenge. «It seemed impossible», she remembers, «but I told myself, 'You got this'». Recalling the driver's key advice, «take wide turns», she navigated the beast with surprising ease.
Four and a half hours later, she arrived at her destination. «Another driver, a Moroccan, was waiting», said the 27-year-old truck driver who left Taza, Morocco, when she was 12 to join her family in Cholet, France. «He was amazed and encouraged me to keep going». Replacing the sick driver for a week, Fatima Zahra received a string of offers, fueling her confidence.
A young woman behind the wheel
Her entry into trucking wasn't a whim, but a carefully laid path. «In high school», she explains, «I created a list of in-demand jobs, aiming for independence after graduation». Drawn to the diverse opportunities in transportation and logistics, she pursued a baccalaureate in the field, followed by higher education in transportation management.
Languages, too, played a strategic role. She enrolled in Russian and Romanian classes, crucial for truck drivers traversing various territories. «During my studies», she recalls, «I did various stints in management, logistics, and even accompanied drivers. That's when the driving bug truly bit me».
The pandemic disrupted her studies but opened another door. With jobs scarce, she opted for military service. This led to her first truck license in 2021, followed by a larger truck license in 2022. A year later, she was behind the wheel, her dream taking shape.
Arriving in France from Taza in 2008, Fatima Zahra couldn't have imagined becoming a female truck driver, let alone adapting to a new life in a foreign land. «The initial years were tough», she admits, «especially with the language barrier. But we had incredible support, from teachers helping us learn French to a community that eased our transition».
Fatima Zahra's family, too, stood by her. While her father provided unwavering encouragement, her mother's initial apprehensions («Why not a job near home?») soon gave way to pride witnessing her daughter's success in this unconventional field.
Now, in 2024, with France conquered, Fatima Zahra sets her sights on new horizons. «My goal is to become an international transport professional», she declares, her voice brimming with ambition. And her ultimate dream? «To drive that truck all the way to Morocco».

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