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Algerian, Polisario media spread false claims of Moroccan Army «desertions»
Publié dans Yabiladi le 07 - 08 - 2024

Algerian and Polisario media outlets are claiming that soldiers have deserted from the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) and Moroccan intelligence. This operation was reported a week after France recognized Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara.
On Tuesday, August 6, Algerian and Polisario media celebrated what they described as a «mass desertion» within the ranks of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) and Moroccan intelligence, even claiming «the collapse of the Makhzen».
To support their claims, these sources published a purportedly «confidential» document attributed to the head of the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN), Abdellatif Hammouchi. The document allegedly instructed newspaper editors, TV channels, and Moroccan social media influencers «to keep quiet about the desertion of 14 army and intelligence officers, in the name of the nation's higher interests and in application of royal orders».
Several Algerian and Polisario media outlets reported a «wave of desertions» in the FAR ranks, though they provided conflicting figures. The Algerian newspaper La Patrie News claimed there were «38» FAR soldiers who deserted «in the previous week», while a Polisario media outlet reported «138» soldiers and intelligence officers had «joined the Rif region or Spain» (sic).
Fake news in the face of setbacks
These reports are actually a rehash of an old fake news story. In June 2023, as Morocco and the USA prepared for a new edition of the military exercise «African Lion», Algerian media claimed «dozens of Moroccan soldiers had announced their rebellion and desertion from the army, seeking refuge in Western Sahara to escape the oppression and repression of their superior officers».
The Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) refuted these «revelations» of Algerian and Polisario media. In May 2023, the DGSN had already denied «allegations published on social media reporting the departure of 160 police officers due to alleged 'poor working conditions.'»
Contrary to the false figures, the number of cases involving abandonment of post and dismissal for exceeding annual leave outside the national territory and unjustified abandonment of post reached 38 civil servants during 2022 and the first half of 2023.
Such disinformation often surfaces following setbacks suffered by Algeria and the Polisario on the international stage regarding the Sahara issue. For example, on January 1, 2021, the daily Le Jeune Indépendant reported that «several dozen Moroccan soldiers and non-commissioned officers fled their positions under daily bombardment» by Polisario militias. This claim came two months after FAR liberated the El Guerguerate crossing, which had been blocked for six weeks by Polisario members, and three weeks after the United States recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara.
The latest fake news campaign on August 6 came just a week after France recognized Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara.

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