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Algerian Parliament accuses France of «hindering Sahara conflict resolution»
Publié dans Yabiladi le 29 - 07 - 2024

Algerian political parties have criticized France for supporting the autonomy proposal for the Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty. Meanwhile, media outlets have reported that a planned visit by President Tebboune to Paris has been canceled.
France's decision to support the autonomy proposal for the Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty continues to spark controversy in Algeria. Following a statement from the Algerian Foreign ministry, the country's parliament and political parties echoed the government's position.
The Algerian National Assembly described France's decision as «shameful», stating that it is «contrary to the diplomatic landscape of the world», and «a deviation and an uncertain risk». The assembly criticized the decision as «a miscalculation and a failure in management, amounting to a moral assassination of UN efforts that have placed this issue on the decolonization agenda for decades. It represents an unprecedented violation of international norms by prioritizing interests over principles».
The Assembly further condemned the decision as a «blatant disregard» by France of UN resolutions and the advisory opinions of its organs, calling it «an explicit blessing and legitimization of an occupation against a founding member state of the African Union». The Assembly asserted that the decision would be violating France's obligations as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and international legitimacy tied to the Council's responsibility to implement the 1991 agreement in line with UN resolutions and international law.
Algerian parties denounce a potential French recognition
The National Liberation Front (FLN), Algeria's largest party, expressed its «condemnation and denunciation» of the French government's decision, labeling it as a «new provocation» for Algeria. The FLN claimed that the French position obstructs international efforts to uphold international legitimacy.
The National Democratic Rally, the second-largest pro-government party, responded to the French government's decision with «regret and surprise».The party strongly condemned the decision, describing it as «suspicious and complicit» and in violation of UN resolutions.
The National Construction Movement also disapproved of the decision, calling it «contrary to Security Council resolutions and various international conventions». The party criticized the decision as «ill-considered» and damaging to «the values of humanity, democracy, and respect for the sovereignty of peoples in reclaiming their lands and building their homelands». The party urged the French government to reconsider its decision.
In addition to the reactions from political parties and the parliament, Algerian official and private media also criticized France. The newspaper Al-Shorouk, known for its proximity to the powers that be, published an article titled «Don't expect President Tebboune in Paris anytime soon!», suggesting that President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is unlikely to visit France as previously scheduled.
The French Foreign ministry declined to comment on the Algerian Foreign ministry's statement, and there has been no official comment from Morocco so far.

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