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«Morocco recruits agents to attack Algeria», Algerian government spokesman claims
Publié dans Yabiladi le 09 - 02 - 2021

The Algerian government spokesman is heading once again a campaign against Morocco, accusing it of «recruiting agents» online to attack Algeria. He specifies that his country intends to «block the way to these hostile acts».
Algerian Minister of Communication and government spokesman Ammar Belhimer is leading yet another campaign against Morocco. After blaming the Kingdom and France for the European Parliament report on the human rights situation in Algeria and accusing Morocco of working with Israel to harm his country, the Minister alleged this week that the Kingdom «recruits hundreds of agents» to harm Algiers.
«We know that the Makhzen has recruited hundreds of agents to attack Algeria online, and we know very well the source of their presence thanks to advanced technology», he claimed in an interview by Algerian daily El Massa. «It is also clear that this is a systematic and coordinated act», he said, estimating that «what the Algerian media are doing» which provides reliable information and news has become a disadvantage for the Moroccan regime, and this also affects popular opinion in Morocco.
«I think that this is the best way to answer, especially since well-known Moroccan media personalities have recognized the weakness of the Moroccan propaganda machine in the face of what the Algerian media are proposing. The Algerian government has prepared a number of laws to block the way for these hostile acts that exploit the digital space to spread this malicious poison».
Ammar Belhimer
The Algerian government spokesman added that his country, «since it regained its sovereignty and independence has been targeted by many parties who did not like the victory of the Algerian people over the colonial power at the time». «These parties continued to exploit all opportunities to undermine the stability and security of our country», he claimed.
Normalization and the Western Sahara issue
Ammar Belhimer did not fail to refer to the Sahara issue and the normalization of diplomatic ties between Morocco and Israel. «Regarding normalization with the Zionist entity, it is an act that the Moroccan people has condemned because it is contrary to all values, principles and norms», he declared, adding that Algiers «always pleads for the good of the peoples of the Maghreb, because the Algerian and Moroccan peoples have fraternal and solid relations».
«We therefore do not hold the brotherly Moroccan people responsible for the deviations of their regime at the political level and their brutal aggression against the defenseless Sahrawi people who aspire to (...) self-determination in accordance with international law».
Ammar Belhimer
This is not the first time that Ammar Belhimer slams Morocco for several decisions made in the recent months. At the end of November, he claimed that his country would be the target of a media campaign because it «sticks to its noble positions in favor of just causes, like those of the Sahrawi and Palestinian peoples, and refuses any normalization with the Zionist State».
He then accused Morocco of using «the Pegassus spyware», developed by Israel «for the intimidation, the threat or the discredit of the patriots on the social media». In January, he said that «anti-normalization activists (in Morocco) were subjected to repression of the Moroccan police and violation of their rights to peaceful events».
His last attack on the Kingdom dates back just a few days, when he mentioned, at the end of January, the recent blocking by Facebook of pages spreading fake news on Algeria. He put the blame on «Morocco, France and Israel».

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