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UK MPs urge Foreign Minister to back Morocco's Sahara autonomy plan
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 05 - 2024

In a letter addressed to Foreign Secretary David Cameron, British MPs called on their government to declare its support for the Moroccan autonomy plan for the Sahara. They noted that Morocco is a reliable ally of their country and a pivotal state for regional security.
On Friday, around thirty British parliamentarians and Lords sent a letter to Foreign Secretary David Cameron calling for support for Morocco's autonomy plan for Western Sahara.
«It has become more crucial than ever for the UK to strengthen its alliances with stable, like-minded nations to promote regional stability and international security», the UK MPs said. «Morocco stands out as a top strategic ally in North Africa, with shared values and perspectives crucial to both our countries», they explained.
Letter to Lord Cameron @FCDOGovUK signed by more than 30 MPs and Peers urging for the timely recognition of the Autonomy Plan of Morocco ?? as the only viable serious and realistic solution to the Western Sahara conflit @UKParliament @UKinMorocco pic.twitter.com/4xYsMK5vmP
— Hugo Swire (@HugoSwire) May 24, 2024
«The Western Sahara offers a promising opportunity for progress and stability, but this could be jeopardized if we don't resolve this issue swiftly and pragmatically», they argued.
«There should be no space for further separatism or division. On the contrary, we must reinforce Morocco's proactive engagement in fostering regional security and stability», the MPs urged.
«Western Sahara has the potential to significantly enhance energy opportunities, secure supply chains, and enable access to new markets. Today, the development of strategic infrastructure, such as the impressive port in Dakhla, highlights the region's economic and geopolitical importance. These developments not only demonstrate sustainable progress, but also showcase the region as a hub of innovation and international cooperation in Africa».
MPs letter
To fully realize this potential, the signatories add, «it requires the backing of our financial institutions, such as UKEF and the BII. This approach has been adopted by other countries, including the US and France».
Backing the Morocco plan
In their letter, the MPs emphasized that the autonomy initiative proposed by Morocco offers «a sustainable path towards lasting peace and stability, with broad backing from our Western allies and more than 80 countries worldwide».
According to the letter, the initiative is «the most practical and workable path to stability», emphasizing that «it is time to move beyond inertia».
«Rallying around this plan, which ultimately stands as the sole realistic solution, underscores a global commitment to resolving the issue», the MPs argued.
They emphasized that Britain now has «the opportunity to adopt a realistic and pragmatic approach," and "redefine its role and influence in the region».
«Morocco deserves our unequivocal and complete support. It is our responsibility, and the security of the region urgently demands it», the letter concluded.
For the record, a few days ago, British House of Commons member Daniel Kawczynski, who is also one of the letter's signatories, accused his country's ambassador in Rabat of obstructing London's recognition of the Moroccan Sahara during a session at the parliament dedicated to debating the UK's potential recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara.
The letter is initiated by Conservative MP Liam Fox. He had previously written to the UK Foreign Minister on the same subject.
In his letter, he called on the head of British diplomacy to follow in the footsteps of the USA, Germany, and the Netherlands, and officially recognize Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara.

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