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Diaspo #322 : Amal Houdaf, reconnecting through abstract brushstrokes
Publié dans Yabiladi le 20 - 01 - 2024

After two decades nurturing young minds as a teacher, French-Moroccan artist Amal Houdaf traded textbooks for brushes and embraced a vibrant journey of artistic discovery. Abstract art, with its evocative dance of colors and shapes, particularly resonated with her, offering a gateway to spiritual expression and, most importantly, reconnection with her Moroccan roots.
Moroccan artist Amal Houdaf's life journey paints a poignant picture of self-discovery and artistic awakening. Born in Saint-Louis, Alsace (France) in 1976, she carries the heritage of both her father from Taroudant and her mother from Ouled Said, who immigrated to France seeking a better life for their children.
Education initially defined her path. Amal earned a master's degree in modern literature in Alsace and embarked on a teaching career, initially instructing foreigners before dedicating herself to supporting children who had fallen behind. Yet, despite her passion for knowledge transfer, she didn't feel she was born to teach.
A turning point
For two decades, she persevered in the classroom. However, the 2020 lockdowns proved a pivotal turning point. Two years ago, she decided to devote all her time to drawing. «For me, art is a spiritual communication. What I truly find myself in is abstract art», she told Yabiladi.
Amal's artistic inspiration draws deeply from Moroccan heritage, especially the work of Ahmed Cherkaoui, a Moroccan painter who worked in oil, gouache, and watercolor. «Through art, I seek to convey a group of messages», she explained. «In school, I used to convey knowledge and messages to students, and I want to continue in the same vein through my artistic paintings. I focus on the spiritual aspect. My paintings raise many questions, as is the case with the series of paintings about the Amazigh letter».
Leaving politics and associations behind, Amal embraced art as a bridge to her roots. Art has given her a second life, stated Amal who has been a member of the city council since 2008. She decided to completely abandon political and associational interests, and devote all her time to art, which allowed her to return to her roots and establish ties with Morocco.
The allure of abstraction lies in its unconventional dialogue between artist and viewer. Realistic representation is abandoned, Amal explained, moving to an artistic language that relies mainly on colors, shapes, and lines. Abstract art becomes a means of expressing life experiences or individual artistic visions, and reflects the artist's desire for freedom from realistic restrictions and the possibility of unlimited exploration of ideas, she believes.
Furthermore, abstract art transcends cultural barriers. It does not depend on specific symbols or clear details, Amal noted, which makes it a universal language that can be understood and assimilated, transcending the boundaries of language and culture.
For Amal, each abstract work holds a unique message shaped by her background and cultural influences. «Through my art, people see Morocco», she affirmed. «I am proud to be Moroccan, and I am also proud to be French. I lacked the connection with Morocco, and art is what brings me to it. I am attracted to everything related to Morocco».
A message of peace and fraternity
«I have dedicated four years to my art. I explore themes of humanity, animals, and nature. My dual culture has shaped my questions and thoughts about human relationships with society and different cultures. I am becoming more sensitive to everything around us and to our individual and collective experiences», Amal Houdaf said.
Inspiration flows from personal experience, memories, and everyday observations. «I draw inspiration from my own life», she explained, «from my memories, and from the scenes of life that I see anywhere and at any time. Sometimes I write texts to illustrate my paintings and make others ask themselves basic questions, and that is why I always carry my little notebook where I write these words that will also be a source of inspiration».
«In a world that is often filled with violence, anxiety, and sadness, my art seeks to bring joy and hope. It is a symbol of peace, connecting people from all walks of life. My work celebrates the freedom to be oneself, to think freely, to love unconditionally, and to be aware of the beauty and wonder of the world around us».
She confirmed that she loves to «use action (as a concept) and symbols to connect humanity with the values of brotherhood, equality, and kindness». She explained that «through my art, I celebrate the freedom to exist, to think, to love, and to be aware of the world around us. I draw the human condition in all its physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions».
Celebrating female strength and Moroccan connection
Amal further delves into her art's themes, stating, «I honor femininity, the charming woman, the sacred woman. It's a feminist desire to talk about women's rights and their lived experiences. Men are also present in my work, creating a necessary balance between the feminine and the masculine. Ultimately, it's an ode to beauty and goodness, vibrating with vital energy».
Amal readily confirms Morocco's pivotal role in her artistic journey. «Meeting the Moroccan consul in Strasbourg was instrumental», she says. «He enthusiastically supported me, even sponsoring an exhibition at the consulate headquarters last November for the Green March anniversary. In France, doors seemed to open after that. Receiving the consulate's award, my first-ever, was incredibly meaningful».
«Those Green March paintings, featuring powerful women participants, resonated deeply», she continues. «I grew up and studied in France, taught French, but as they say, 'blood runs cold'. I'm immensely grateful to Morocco, and all my paintings whisper its essence».
Defending Morocco, amplifying African voices
«I feel I defend Morocco through my art», Amal declares. «As the French voice for African culture and music on Swiss radio, I'm passionate about showcasing Moroccan music and culture».
With an upcoming visit to Morocco to meet other artists, Amal's excitement is palpable. «I've organized several exhibitions, and hosting one in the Kingdom would be a dream», she shares. «Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire are also calling», she adds, «as I aspire to organize exhibitions across the globe». In the immediate future, Amal gears up for an exhibition in Strasbourg, France on February 3rd and 4th.
On a final note, Amal reflects, «I'm a self-taught artist, forever eager to learn. At 48, I feel like a little girl, discovering and creating with boundless curiosity».

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