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A story about an illegal immigrant (part 1)
Publié dans Jeunes du Maroc le 14 - 05 - 2004

Since the first sinking of 2nd November 1988, hundred and hundred persons dead, dreaming of a better world. They are in the " marine cemetery ", and have never been found.
Europe try to protect himself from illegal workers. Spain take a lot of measures to assure the surveillance in Ceuta, the bridge to Europe. The territory between Morocco and Gibraltar had became a real bridge for the stowaways. They come from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa and have only one dream : cross the frontiers. Illegal immigration become a dangerous phenomenon, it threats the economy and the stability of Morocco and European countries.
But who are those people who want to go abroad ? Why they do that ? How they live when they are there ? What are the economic consequences ? How is the relationship between Morocco and European Union ? And finally, does somebody fight against this phenomenon ? It is to these questions that we will try to answer in this modest investigation.
THE CONDITIONS OF IMMIGRATION : When we found that a lot of young people are waiting for crossing the frontiers, it is difficult to say them that emigration to Europe is stopped since a long time. It is difficult to explain them that European countries set up juridical procedures to fight illegal immigration.
To convince the young that they have no chance to succeed in a foreign country is a waist of time ! At the contrary, they will relate you the life of their friends whom crossed the Mediterranean and became rich. How they did it ? They went to France, sprain or Italy, met a foreigner girl, get married with her and get their situation sorted out.
However, emigration's candidates become more conscious about the danger of the illegal small boats. In addition to that, the "GARDIA CIVILE" can arrest them. So, some of them try to find another solution to cross the frontiers : for example, if they have members of their family installed abroad, they will ask them to find for them a women whom can get married with her. But we must know that they pay a lot of money for this marriage, also the consulate of the foreigner country investigate about him before giving him an authorization.
Those who are not lucky resort to others tricks : When a legal emigrate, member of their family, return to Morocco, he will take him in his van with the baggage and some furniture which serve for a hiding-place. So, they cross the frontiers and the police does not see anything. Others young use the passport of their brother and take the boat to Spain. Then, they will repost it to Morocco.
Who are those illegal immigrants ? Why they take those risks ? And why do they choose this way of living ? In majority, they are unemployed workers and they live under threshold of poverty. The fill that "all the doors are closed in front of them." They fill so hungry and forsaken that they despise their country. Some of them lived poor in their childhood, they were confronted to a hard life : they live the school early or, worst had never been their, they tried to work hard to earn some dirhams with what they would feed them self's and their families.
Some others are graduated but they never found a job. Consequently they tried to find any seasonal job just to help their family. In the end, they become tired and began to think about living this misery, living their country. Those latter will have more chance to survive in a foreign country like France : Nowadays, we assist to a new politic in France. They know that immigrants are necessary as workforce, but not any immigrants. So, they select the most intelligent and cultured of them and force back the "rest". Also the legal immigrants are concerned by this politic. In reality, the French think that the tranquility of their country is menaced by the presence of foreigners, that is why they try to find any arguments to force back them.
It can be shocking but we must know that every year 10.000 immigrants in a legal situation and whom caused a little or big offence are expulsed. All the pretexts are good to "clean" the territory by a "legal" way. On the other hand, the French do not accept the "mosaic of cultures" ; it means that the immigrant must adapt himself to the environment. Fatima, a Moroccan immigrant who live in Paris, accepted to become "Michelle" to be integrated in the work world. Fatima is a young and lovely women but a victim of the racism and the lobbying of the associations against racism can not do anything for her. That is why she accepted to do that. But it is not simple because when they ask them for her address it is another problem. Even though, not everybody accept this solution.
The way of living and thinking change from a generation to an another, and the history of immigrant's generations confirm this. Indeed, the first immigration in the 60's was an immigration of workforce. They came in majority from towns and were illiterates. Their expatriation had not to be long, just the time to save some money and return to their native country. The second generation changed the plans ; they choose to stay in the foreign territory until the children would finish their studies. The third generation is their sons who refused to go back to Morocco. It is normal because these latter because they lost their "marks of culture". When they are in the other country, everybody treat them like foreigners, and when they return to Morocco for holidays, everybody treat them like foreigners. So, they do not know what to do ?
Now, let's talk about Canada and the brain drain. "If I knew that, I would never had to resign from my job !" these are the evidences of a lot of Moroccans immigrants to Canada. However, these people wished to live better in this North American country. The immigrants realized that the succeed in the foreign country comply with the same rules that in their native country. They must make the same efforts with the difference that in Canada they are "alone". In reality, those who succeed are the less lucky in their country but live better in the foreign country thanks to the social assistance.
To be continued...

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