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Henri Michel, the Atlas Lions' godfather during the 1998 World Cup
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 04 - 2018

Deceased on Tuesday, 24th of April, French coach Henri Michel managed to lead the Atlas Lions to the 1998 FIFA World Cup where they scored five unforgettable goals.
1998 was a big year for France, which staged and won the FIFA World Cup, and French former footballer Henri Michel for coaching the Atlas Lions during their fourth participation to the tournament. Today, the two nations are mourning the death of the 70-year-old midfielder and manager who bared the French and Moroccan nationalities.
Although he was born in the southern region of France, namely in Aix-en-Provence, Michel lived in Morocco for several distinct periods to manage the National Football team and one of the country's notorious clubs.
Together for the 1998 World Cup
Henri Michel's journey in the Kingdom started after he coached several French clubs, France national under-21 football team, and the Cameroonian Untamable Lions. In his first adventure in Morocco, the French footballer led the Atlas Lions for five years. This period was distinctively marked by his ability to help the team qualify for the 1998 World Cup after 11 years of absence.
Henri Michel and Mustapha Hadji./Ph. DR
Michel was behind the national team realizing one of the nation's biggest dream at the time by securing a ticket to another FIFA World Cup. During the 1998 World Cup Qualifiers, the national team did not participate to the first round but played against Sierra Leone (2-0 / 1-0), Ghana (2-2 / 1-0) and Gabon (4-0 / 2-0) during the final round.
Once done with the qualifiers, Henri Michel alongside his squad, including stars such as Abdelilah Saber, Abdelkerim El-Hadrioui, Noureddine Naybet, Said Chiba, Mustapha Hadji, Salaheddine Bassir, Taher El-Khalej, and Youssef Chippo, left for France.
As part of Group A, Michel's squad played on the 10th of June, scoring two goals similar to two others signed by Norway. Six days later, the Atlas Lions were defeated by Brazil (0-3). On the 23rd of June, Morocco's Salah Eddine Bassir and Abdeljalil Hadda secured a winning game in front of Scotland, scoring three goals.
Althought, Morocco scored in general five goals on the first round of the tournament, Michel and his team had to go back home due to a controversial measure. In fact, Norway's victory over Brazil denied the Kingdom a chance to be qualified for the second round.
However, the French coach returned victorious to Morocco. He, in fact, recorded a victory scoring for the first time during a World Cup tournament three goals against a single team. Michel and members of the national team were received by King Hassan II.
Trying to win the Africa Cup of Nations
According to an article published by Al- Masaae, Henri Michel was granted the Moroccan nationality by the Moroccan sovereign during that ceremony and was decorated alongside footballers who participated to the international tournament.
On that day, the coach promised King Hassan II that Morocco would win the upcoming Africa Cup of Nations. However his promises were not met as the Atlas Lions failed to secure a win in the continental tournament and Michel's term as a manager expired.
Seven years later, Michel couldn't refuse another Moroccan offer, asking him to manage the team for a second time. His second stint started in the beginning of 2007 and ended in February 2008.
And just like the previous time, the coach failed to make the Atlas Lions win the Africa Cup of Nations 2008. In a short-lived participation, Morocco was kicked out of the competition, defeated in the first round.
Commenting on the team's performance in the Africa cup, Michel told media during a press conference : «I came here to try and think about it and suggest solutions. People have not stopped saying that 'we will win the African Cup'. But did anyone at any point think of how to achieve this goal».
Criticized for his comments, Michel was ousted and later replaced by Roger Lemerre.
Henri Michel's links with Morocco continued growing despite all odds. He was invited later in June 2010 to manage the Raja Casablanca club.
Although his death was announced today, the French former midfielder and manager was indeed a pioneer. On his Facebook account, current Atlas Lions manager mourned the death of his compatriot stating that he was the best coach to have ever managed the Moroccan national football team.

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