Around 60% of Moroccans declare feeling a certain amount of well-being at work, according to the first national well-being in the workplace survey elaborated by the Moroccan Happiness Observatory. The survey conducted by OpinionWay included answers from almost 1,200 workers from all industries and sectors, aimed to measure the level of well-being of Moroccans in the workplace and identify the factors behind their feeling, indicates the Observatory in a communiqué. On a scale from 1 to 10, Moroccan workers gave an average rating of 6,6/10 (with 10 indicating the highest level of well-being at work and 1 indicating the lowest level) to the question «Globally, would you say that you feel good at work ?». In more details, 36% have given a rating going from 1 to 5, 18% a rating between 6 and 7 and 46% a rating going from 8 to 10. Therefore, 46% of Moroccans feel a real well-being at work (rating 8 to 10) while at the other end of the spectrum (ratings from 1 to 5), more than a third of the surveyees (36%) are rather «not happy» at work. Important detail : around half of the workers who self-described as «happy at work» have apparently no tangible reasons justifying such a well-being. «The real explanation lies in their mental attitudes in which resilience is solidly embedded. In other words, these individuals adapted to their situation and feel happy to have a job», according to the OpinionWay firm.