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Moroccans in USA
Publié dans Jeunes du Maroc le 03 - 01 - 2005

Each one of you does have brother, sister, cousin or even a neighbor who lives in the US, maybe you do live in this beautiful country. More and more Moroccans come to the United States, some of them are here to study, or to work, others came to study with the idea to go back to Morocco but unfortunately they stayed here. Why do Moroccans come ? Why those ones who came to study stayed here ? What do they do for living ? Will they go back to Morocco one day... ?
Moroccans who live in the United States are divided into categories, first one : intellectual people with huge and many diplomas, engineers, doctors, professors. They came here to do a master, or maybe a PhD, and instead of going back to Morocco, they stayed here, why ? This is a great question ; here are some answers of Moroccans in USA :
Mohammed, 33 years old, engineer, master's degree : I've worked in Morocco after I got my engineer diploma for many companies but I couldn't stand the way everybody acts, corruption, stealing money, illegal hierarchical system, and if you do not participate with those people and do just like them, they'll do their best so you'll get fired, and in addition it is not good paid. Here in America, I have a good salary, I bought a house, I got married and I'm happy thank god. Going back to Morocco ? Maybe, I'm not sure Saad, 40 years old, professor, PhD : I'm a university professor, I've done a small business in Morocco but I got stolen and I had to pay the damages of what happened, so I've chosen to come back to America and work at universities, it's good paid, I got married and my wife is here with me.
So if we want to decrypt what these men just said, is that they are in the United States because of honesty and money, those two things were not found in Morocco. They also got used to America's life, everything is perfect, and everything is great....
Second category : people who came with a tourist visa and they got married with Americans to be illegible to stay in the US, or they came by passing an exam to come to work at Disney world. This kind of people did not finish school maybe a bachelor degree or under, and they are not interested in continuing studies ; otherwise ; they want to work to have money, they started by restaurant and they finished by working in real estates let's see their explanation : Ossama, 30 years old, bachelor degree in economy from a Moroccan university : I came here and I started working in restaurants, shops and also in house constructions, and now with my experience I work in real estates, I have 2 houses, I have a good salary. Morocco ? Actually before I was coming here, I was promoted to be assistant manager in the bank that I used to work in but I refused ; now my life is here, I got married with an American, I have kids and my life is here. Morocco is just for vacation and to visit my family.
It' clear, every person is looking for money ; every person wants to live in great conditions.
Last category, is the student category, so I'll give as an example, myself Sarah, 18 years old, student in international studies and diplomacy : I came here to study because the major that I wanted to do doesn't exist in Moroccan universities. I love my country and I always said that I'll go back, once I was here for studies, I was sure that if I spend 4 years here I'll never go back to live in Morocco, so I finally choose to go to Morocco again as soon as possible, and that's it I' going soon to study at AUI (Alakhawayn University in Ifrane) because they do have the program that I want to study.
Safouane, 26 years old, student in computer science : no, I will not go back to morocco after studies because I love my life here, and I want to live here, I will find a job easily and this is perfect.
Where are we going ? Who will work for our Morocco if most of them quit it to go to other countries ? I hope this article will make people think about our country's future.
Will they come back one day ?
I wish they will.....
This is for you Morocco, one of your Fun whose name is Moroccan laila
My love for Morocco's a nice reason for which I 'm living all the seasons ; when my feelings shouldn't be hidden cause I 'm living in a garden of Eden from which I wish not to be forbidden ; I love you Morocco

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