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Diaspo #365 : Mostafa Erradi, from fish seller to bodybuilding champion
Publié dans Yabiladi le 30 - 11 - 2024

Mostafa Erradi, who began his life as a simple fish seller, managed two weeks ago to win the title of Mister Univers, as the first Moroccan in Belgium to achieve this accomplishment. This crowning came after a long journey of struggle, especially after the death of his wife and bearing the responsibility of raising his daughter alone.
The moment Mostafa Erradi won the title of «MISTER UNIVERSE» in bodybuilding on November 10, 2024, was more than just a sports achievement. Behind the raised trophy and the evident pride in his eyes lies a long story of challenges. Years of struggle in Morocco, followed by hardships in Belgium, culminated in this crowning moment of patience and determination.
Mostafa, a native of Ksar El Kebir, began working at the age of eight, selling fish to support his family and buy his school supplies. Speaking to Yabiladi, he recalled: «My struggle started at a young age. Since childhood, I learned how to rely on myself and help my family». At 16, he discovered bodybuilding, joining a gym in his neighborhood, and became increasingly passionate about the sport. Eventually, he worked as a trainer. He also pursued law studies at university but dropped out after two years.
In May 2016, he married a woman from Belgium and moved there to live together. However, his perception of Europe as a land of dreams quickly collided with harsh reality.
In Charleroi, where Mostafa initially lived, he spent three years unemployed, feeling like a burden. He recounted that job opportunities in the city, which he described as «gloomy», were very scarce. Losing hope, he relocated to Brussels, and on his first day there, he secured a job in a fish shop, a field he had known since childhood.
He worked there for a year and a half until the COVID-19 pandemic caused him to lose his job. A year later, with the savings he had accumulated, he opened his own fish shop. However, life's pressures led him to stop practicing the sport he had occasionally engaged in since arriving in Belgium, in contrast to his active involvement in Morocco.
From a small fish seller to a World Champion
In 2021, Mostafa's life took a dramatic turn when he lost his wife, leaving him to raise their three-year-old daughter alone. He reflected with sadness: «I found myself alone, bearing all her responsibilities, from A to Z. I used to take her with me to the shop so I could work and take care of her at the same time».
«This period coincided with the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing immense psychological pressure. Balancing work and caring for my daughter became difficult. I felt like I was failing, but despite all the challenges, I continued. In May 2024, I decided to close the shop after its revenues declined».
After a period of rest, Mostafa returned to sports. By chance, he discovered a specialized bodybuilding competition, which posed a significant challenge. Motivated, he started six months of intensive training and followed a strict diet. On November 3, 2024, he competed in Aarschot, Belgium, and secured fourth place despite it being his first attempt in the field.
«During the preparation period, many acquaintances I met on the street asked if I was ill because I had lost weight noticeably and my body had changed, as I shed 15 kilograms».
Despite his initial success, Mostafa faced difficulties, including perceived discrimination by one of the judges. This frustration motivated him to compete in a world championship to prove that, despite being a beginner and coming from an immigrant background, he could make a difference. The Moroccan champion recounted: «The coach told me about the MISTER UNIVERSE championship and informed me that, unfortunately, I couldn't participate unless I joined the Belgian branch of the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB), BIFBB Belgium. But my determination to win pushed me to knock on their door and join their ranks».
On November 10, 2024, he proudly stepped onto the competition stage alongside participants from 13 countries and won first place, «becoming the first Moroccan Arab from Belgium to win this competition».
From hardship to a bright present
Today, Mostafa aspires to become a professional trainer and has started taking courses to earn certifications that will allow him to work professionally. Although he holds certificates from Morocco, they are not recognized in Belgium. He is also preparing for the European Championship, set to take place in the coming months.
After a difficult start, Mostafa has found balance between his training and caring for his now eight-year-old daughter. He speaks proudly of this stage: «I dedicated a special routine for us, and we now spend quality time together more than ever».
The dream of practicing bodybuilding «was always in the back of my head until I decided to awaken it and give it life again. I regained myself and my dream». Following his recent victory, Mostafa dreams of returning to Morocco to open his own gyms.
He concluded: «Despite the years of stability I've spent in Belgium, I never felt that I belonged to this place. My body is here, but my mind and heart are in Morocco. If it weren't for my daughter, I would have returned long ago, but I chose to stay as long as she is still young and deserves a better life, at least during this period».

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