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Diaspo #352 : From grief to glory, Zakaria El Jamari's martial arts rise
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 08 - 2024

In Thailand, where Morocco's boxing and Muay Thai champion Zakaria El Jamari currently resides, he continues to achieve success in martial arts. After winning numerous medals, the Moroccan champion is now pursuing his dream of returning home with the prestigious ONE Championship belt.
At a young age, Zakaria El Jamari began working to support his family, contributing to his father's fruit and vegetable business in a popular neighborhood in Rabat while also pursuing his studies. At 12, he started boxing at a local gym, where his coach quickly recognized his talent and potential. «My first fight was at 15 years old in Morocco, and I won by knockout», the Moroccan champion proudly recalls.
At 16, Zakaria began his professional career by joining Morocco Rabat Club in 2006, where he claimed the title of Moroccan champion in 2007. He then moved to Fath Rabat in 2008 and later to FAR. However, disagreements with his coach led him to leave the club and retire at 22. He focused on local coaching and tutoring children while returning to school to obtain a diploma in business administration from the Office of Vocational Training (OFPPT), despite facing challenges due to his family's financial situation.
After raising the national flag high, Zakaria found himself working various jobs again. «I worked at McDonald's, Marjane, and also sold pies. The transition from Moroccan champion to these jobs was tough, but my main focus was helping my parents. I realized that sports weren't providing me with anything».
Tragically, his father passed away when Zakaria was 26, plunging him into a deep depression. «I had the hardest days of my life. I was very attached to my father, who was my support. I was so depressed that I used to sleep next to his grave, and the neighbors thought I had lost my mind», Zakaria recalls.
After three months of mourning, his mother encouraged him to seek new opportunities abroad. In 2016, Zakaria moved to the UAE, where he worked for a boxing training company and returned to competitive sports. He achieved notable victories, including a knockout in a Muay Thai tournament.
In 2018, Zakaria was recognized as one of the best boxers in the UAE and competed in the World Championships in Mexico, where he earned third place and a bronze medal. He continued his success by winning the UAE Open and first place at the Arab Championships in Abu Dhabi in 2019.
Zakaria's winning streak continued into 2019 and 2020, with several titles, including a knockout win in Thailand. In late 2020, he was crowned World Champion in Australia and also secured first place at the Arab Elite Championships.
Despite losing the 2021 World Championship to a Filipino opponent, Zakaria made a strong comeback in 2022 with notable victories, including another knockout win in Thailand. Concurrently, he began working as a private trainer to ensure a steady income and support his family in Morocco.
At the beginning of 2024, Zakaria was offered a spot with ONE Championship (a mixed martial arts, Muay Thai, and kickboxing promotion), where he achieved a significant victory in Thailand. In May, he earned his first ONE Championship win against Thongpoon Pk Saenchai of Thailand, redeeming himself after the disappointment of ONE 166 in Qatar.
Returning to Morocco adorned with several medals, Zakaria now dreams of bringing home the prestigious ONE Championship belt. Like his younger brother, who also returned home with the WBC belt, Zakaria is eagerly awaiting the chance to compete in a new, yet-to-be-scheduled tournament.

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