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Diaspo #342 : Moroccan surfer Lahoucine Tifert chases waves in Spain
Publié dans Yabiladi le 15 - 06 - 2024

A Moroccan surfing prodigy, Lahoucine Tifert, rose to national prominence but left the team in Portugal seeking better opportunities. Now 19 and living in Spain, he trains with the Spanish Surfing Federation with dreams of becoming a world champion and lifting his family out of poverty.
Lahoucine Tifert from Taghazout has been meticulously following the weather and wind conditions since the age of nine—a necessity for facing crashing waves. It was then that his passion for surfing began in this area nestled between the High Atlas Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean coastline.
«At the time, I used to see tourists surfing and I enjoyed watching them», Lahoucine told Yabiladi. «As time went on, I started thinking about trying this experience myself. I come from a poor family and at that time I didn't have the money to buy the necessary equipment. I used to go to shops selling and renting supplies for this sport and ask them for a board».
In the beginning, his surfing was limited to once or twice a week at most due to his studies and his family's fear for his safety at sea. But his passion was too strong. He would sneak out of school to go to the beach, behind his family's back, to practice his favorite sport.
«Day by day, I gained more skills», Lahoucine continues. «And when I felt that I had mastered the sport, I went to my older brother and asked him to watch me ride the waves. He was immediately convinced of my skills and decided to buy me a board and surfing clothes». He was ten years old at the time.
This moment was a turning point in his sporting career. Lahoucine went from being an amateur to a professional surfer, participating in competitions. He joined the Tadanga Surf Academy in Taghazout and a team affiliated with the Royal Surfing Federation. «I started competing under their name in local competitions», he says. «In my first year, I got second place, and in my second year, I got first place. Then my news reached the Surfing Federation in 2022».
The Federation contacted the club's president, expressing their desire to include Lahoucine in the national team. «I have already worn the national team's jersey and participated in an international tournament in Casablana», Lahoucine explains. «I ranked 75th in the world. And in 2023, I won the Morocco Youth Championship. Then we entered a camp to prepare for an international tournament at the age of 17».
A daring escape
«When we arrived in Portugal», Lahoucine recalls, «I decided to run away from the Moroccan team's residence, which I had already planned to do. I wanted to stay in Europe with my family's knowledge, but only after participating in the competition and reaching the quarterfinals of the tournament. That's when I realized it was time to leave. I knew that staying in Morocco would not help me develop myself, especially since getting into this sport in my homeland wasn't with the aim of reaching the world stage, as I now aspire to, but rather to stay away from trouble».
After managing his escape, Lahoucine headed to Spain with the help of a friend who had been waiting for him. He arrived at a center for unaccompanied minors in Barcelona, the city where he currently lives. He then approached the Spanish Surfing Federation (Fesurf Federación Española de Surf), which welcomed him.
«They provided me with everything I asked for», Lahoucine says. «I started training with them, attended all the sessions, and found all the facilities and material assistance I needed». The Moroccan Federation, through the consulate, attempted to bring him back to Morocco, offering material assistance. «But I refused», Lahoucine admitted.
«In Spain, they believed in my abilities and talent», Lahoucine explains. «But in my home country, Morocco, we were marginalized. Yet, we cannot help but love our country and seek to honor it from wherever we are. The competitions I participated in Morocco were marred by favoritism and cronyism, and we were discriminated against. We had to pay money out of our pockets to participate in competitions, unlike in Spain».
Integrating into Spain wasn't an obstacle for Lahoucine. He even learned Spanish relatively quickly. «At first, I spoke French and English because of my contact with foreigners who often visited Taghazout to learn how to surf», he says.
Building a future
Lahoucine started participating in official competitions last year. His first tournament was the Catalonia Championship, where he finished fifth. «We traveled once every two months to France to train because there were good waves», he adds. The Moroccan surfer is currently preparing for another competition in August.
Last March, after regularizing his legal status, 19-year-old Lahoucine returned to Morocco for a visit. He recounts: «I had mixed feelings. I met my friends, but I did not regret my departure despite my love for the country. I was thinking from a young age to contribute to helping my family and my brothers, especially since my father passed away when I was only 13».
In addition to his passion for surfing, Lahoucine returned to school in Spain, having previously dropped out in his home country. He is currently pursuing his education in the electromechanical department and works as a waiter in a restaurant in his free time. «My dream is to become a world champion, and I aspire to join the Spanish national team», he said.

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