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Qualified for the world surfing championships, Moroccan Boubker Bouaouda dismissed for lack of visa
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 05 - 2021

A scramble inside the Royal Moroccan Surfing Federation. Qualified for the World Surfing Championships in El Salvador, Boubker Bouaouda was dismissed due to a lack of US visa.
While he allowed Morocco to win several international tournaments, Boubker Bouaouda was ousted from the World Surfing Championships at the end of May in El Salvador. «I received a message from the [Moroccan surfing federation, ed] about my qualification for the world championship. Normally, I am qualified. But I was told that my visa application for the United States was not granted and that therefore someone else would replace me», the surfer said with disappointment in a video.
«I had to send you this message, as well as to the radios who interviewed me about this championship: I am no longer going and someone else will take my place, even though I am qualified, because I was not granted a visa, according to the federation», added Boubker Bouaouda.
«To all the people who sent me messages and who supported me: I can't help it, I'm not happy, I just received this message and it's very hard».
Boubker Bouaouda
A multiple-times Moroccan champion
A surf enthusiast since the age of 7, Boubker Bouaouda participated in several international sports tournaments. In 2012, he was Junior champion of Morocco and in 2015 he came first at the African Championship, held in Senegal. In 2016, the young surfer was first in the Euro junior, the Africa Tour, the Morocco Open championship and the Morocco Junior championship. He also reached the semi-finals of the great international event GroomSearch.
In 2017, he came fourth at the World Junior Championships in Japan. After an injury that immobilized him for several months in 2018, he made his comeback in 2019, recovering quickly and carrying promising goals until 2021. But this unfair disqualification forces him to stay away from the world championships.
Despite obtaining a visa for El Salvador, Boubker Bouaouda needed an additional visa to transit via the United States. The latter was crucial for his participation, despite the completion of all other preparations for his departure (reservations, accommodation, etc.). For its part, the Royal Moroccan Surfing Federation (FRMS) explained it had taken the necessary steps, in collaboration with the government of El Salvador and the International Federation to obtain said visa on time.
What did the Federation do?
According to a statement sent to Yabiladi by the technical direction of the national sports body, Boubker Bouaouda and surfer Larbi Hafdi are both concerned by the situation. A visa application was submitted on their behalf online via the website of the US consulate, while, at the same time, a request to the same consular representation to obtain an urgent appointment was sent, with the support of the International Surf Academy (ISA) and the government of El Salvador.
Faced with the «accumulated delay», the Moroccan federation decided, Thursday, May 20, to replace Boubker Bouaouda by Neil Aboufiras «and to proceed urgently with all the administrative procedures with the ISA and the government of El Salvador». According to the federation, «this plan B has been carefully considered and will safeguard our chances of qualifying, knowing that all the preselected (athletes, ed) all deserve their place within this national team».
Morocco's participation in the surfing competition is a decisive step for the Kingdom to be represented at the Tokyo Olympics. Indeed, the ISA World Surfing Games 2021 will take place from May 29 to June 6. The competition will allow the public to meet the surfers qualified for the Olympic Games, scheduled from July 23 to August 8.

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