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ZLECAf Business Forum opens in Morocco, aims to boost African trade
Publié dans Yabiladi le 05 - 11 - 2024

The ZLECAf Business Forum kicked off in Casablanca on Tuesday, November 5th. The event, attended by government officials and business leaders from across Africa, aims to advance regional integration and intra-African trade within the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
Under the theme «Intra-African Trade: Prospects and Opportunities», the ZLECAf Business Forum opened this Tuesday in Casablanca. Initiated by the Moroccan Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Moroccan Confederation of Exporters (ASMEX), this inaugural edition aims to foster South-South cooperation, address investment and financing issues, and explore opportunities for African operators within the continent.
To this end, thematic roundtables will tackle topics related to continental trade dynamics. This first edition also promises to generate actionable recommendations, formulated by participants from the 48 member states of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), including Morocco, the event's host country.
In this context, Hassan Sentissi, President of the Moroccan Exporters Confederation, expressed hope for a dynamic approach «in harmony with the royal orientations of His Majesty King Mohammed VI», to strengthen regional trade exchanges by fostering connections among economic operators across Africa. He advocates for a win-win approach at the continental level, aligned with the spirit of AfCFTA.
«The goal is to encourage trade between all Africans, free of contradictions or complexes. This was a principle that the late King Mohammed V emphasized regarding our Africanness, and the purpose of this conference is to facilitate regional dialogue within the African Union, on African soil», stated Hassan Sentissi to Yabiladi.
A catalyst for Moroccan exporters
The ASMEX president added that «all 53 African countries have agreed on the foundation of a trade treaty, facilitating fluid dialogue». He urged Moroccan exporters to make AfCFTA «a successful reality for our economy and our continent». Morocco signed this agreement in 2018, which came into effect in 2019 and became operational in 2021.
Under the treaty, «the States Parties shall progressively eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade in goods; progressively liberalize trade in services; cooperate on investment, intellectual property rights, and competition policy; collaborate on customs matters and trade facilitation measures; establish a dispute settlement mechanism concerning their rights and obligations; and establish and maintain an institutional framework for the implementation and management of the AfCFTA».
The ZLECAf Business Forum serves as «a valuable lever» for Moroccan exporters, offering «the opportunity to expand [their] networks, forge strategic partnerships, and join continental value chains», emphasized Hassan Sentissi. «Sectors such as agribusiness, renewable energy, logistics, and technology already show promising growth potential», he added, noting that the event «is a gateway to the African market, with over 1.2 billion consumers».
Hassan Sentissi highlighted the role of national operators in this continental movement, describing it as «an integral part of the parallel diplomacy» endorsed by King Mohammed VI for «a strong and united Africa». In his opening remarks, which set the tone for the event and its future recommendations, the ASMEX President stated that «every partnership and investment made within the ZLECAf framework contributes to a more prosperous future for the continent and strengthens Morocco's development».
The forum will welcome numerous African trade ministers, representatives from both public and private sectors, trade promotion bodies, experts, academics, and civil society leaders. It also marks the 30th anniversary of the Marrakech Agreement, which established the World Trade Organization (WTO), and aims to underscore «the increasing integration of African economies into the global trading system».

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