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The three pillars of French engagement in the Saharan provinces
Publié dans Yabiladi le 31 - 10 - 2024

President Macron's recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara in July 2024 is now entering the operational phase. Following his speech to the Moroccan Parliament and the signing of numerous agreements, here are the three main areas of action France is focusing on in the Saharan provinces.
After the President's remarks, France is taking steps to shape its political stance on Western Sahara. Among the numerous agreements signed between Morocco and France, several focus on projects within the Saharan provinces. Other measures supporting Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara were also announced by French ministers. France's actions in support of Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara concentrate on three main areas.
The diplomatic component
As the UN Security Council prepares to vote on a new resolution on the Sahara, the French President committed to advocating for Morocco's position within international forums. «We will engage diplomatically to promote the Moroccan solution within the European Union and at the United Nations», he stated Wednesday, addressing the French community in Morocco.
To bolster its interests in the Saharan provinces amid international competition, Paris plans to expand its diplomatic presence there. French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot announced Tuesday in Rabat that the French ambassador to Morocco «will travel next week» to the Sahara. «We will strengthen our consular and cultural activities there, with plans to establish a French Alliance», he said.
Education and culture
The extension of consular coverage will underpin France's commitment to fostering educational and cultural exchanges in the region. «We will enable students to sit for the Brevet and Baccalauréat exams in our schools in Dakhla and Laayoune», announced the French President on Wednesday, October 30.
Meanwhile, Culture Minister Rachida Dati revealed an agreement with her Moroccan counterpart to construct a movie theater in Dakhla. «Cinema is part of this agreement. We plan to establish a strong cultural presence in Dakhla and Laayoune», she told Moroccan media.
Economic and social development
The President also pledged to «pursue the economic and social development of Western Sahara», praising «Morocco's efforts in this regard». He emphasized that «our businesses and companies will contribute to developing these territories through investments and sustainable, community-focused initiatives benefiting local populations».
The French Development Agency (AFD) will be a key instrument in this endeavor. Morocco is already the top recipient of AFD credit lines, with €5.6 billion committed since 1992. Financial support is expected to grow as Western Sahara is included within the agency's scope. Reassuring all stakeholders about the security of investments, the French President, mindful of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decision, noted, «The French Development Agency and our companies will continue within a secure (legal) framework».
The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Morocco (CFCIM) has established an economic footprint in the Saharan provinces, being present since 2017, well before the U.S. recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara on December 10, 2020. This gives France a head start over other European players like Spain, Germany, and the UK, who are also interested in development projects in the region.
New major investments
Following the state visit to Morocco, several French companies, including Engie and MGH Energy, signed agreements for green energy and e-fuels production in Western Sahara. French newspaper La Tribune highlighted green hydrogen as a focal area, reporting that «French energy companies are eyeing the Moroccan El Dorado». The «Chbika» project, led by TotalEnergies in partnership with Austrian firm Eren, aims to develop a gigawatt of solar and wind capacity in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, with the goal of producing hydrogen and up to 200,000 tonnes of green ammonia annually for the European market.
In his August 20, 2022 speech, King Mohammed VI emphasized that «the Sahara issue is the lens through which Morocco views its international relations, and the measure of the sincerity of friendships and the effectiveness of partnerships». France has responded to this call.

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