The National Airports Office (ONDA) announced on Tuesday the suspension of flights connecting Morocco and Tunisia in both directions, as a preventive measure to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic. In a statement shared to social media, the office indicates that this decision will be implemented starting from April 15, 2021 «until further notice». «Passengers traveling from this country through another country are also covered by this decision», ONDA said. Suspension par les autorités marocaines des vols en provenance et à destination de la Tunisie à partir du 15/04/2021 jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Sont également concernés les passagers voyageant de ce pays à travers un autre pays.#ONDA #AéroportsduMaroc #Airport #StaySafe — ONDA (@ondaofficiel) April 13, 2021 In March, Tunisia was already one of the countries affected by a similar measure, given the evolution of the epidemiological situation. Bilan Coronavirus dans le monde 260 064 469 Contaminations 5 182 449 Décès 235 813 303 Guérisons 54% de la population mondiale vaccinée