Everybody, wherever and whenever, we always search the real meaning of love. Love is compound of four letters l.o.v.e , the definition of love differ from each person, one say that love is affection and solicitude toward a person, it's a feeling of devotion too. Other will define love as an attachment or a strong attraction to another person. The real meaning of love, the true love is only thinks about giving all the time and never think about getting, it's about caring and understanding by sacrificing one's self, talking about love is one thing and falling is other situation. We make mistakes when we limit love between women and men, love can be also between parents and children, love of God, love of your country as a good citizen. Have you ever been in love ? And do you know the symptoms ? 1-you watch a lot of romantic movies. 2-you are sad when you haven't news from your lover. 3-you are in the seven heaven, you don't think without seeing the image of your lover. I mean, your Romeo. Those are examples of falling in love. Unfortunately, love have a dark side, love can be a beginning of a new relationship, or the opposite, the end of a story. So be careful in love, don't give yourself false hopes.