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Spain expels 116 migrants, bringing back an agreement signed with Morocco 26 years ago
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 08 - 2018

The Spanish government expelled on Thursday 116 migrants who entered Ceuta through its Morocco borders. The decision brings back an agreement Madrid and Rabat signed 26 years ago.
Spain sent back on Thursday, 23rd of August, 116 migrants that stormed the day before the border fence, separating Morocco and the Spanish enclave, Ceuta, reports Reuters, citing the Spanish Interior Ministry spokesperson.
Only two migrants were able to stay in Spain out of the 118 migrants that forced their way into Ceuta on Wednesday. «Two will be allowed to stay because they are minors», said the same source, adding that the Spanish police identified the group and provided medical help for those injured before returning them to the Kingdom.
Migrants were asked whether they wanted to apply for asylum on the Spanish soil but they refused said the spokesperson, stressing that they have all agreed to be sent back to Morocco.
The information was first revealed by Faro TV, which broadcasted a video showing a group of migrants surrounded by the Spanish police and taken onto a bus.
Bringing back a 1992 agreement
Deciding to send back these migrants to the Kingdom has brought back an agreement that the two countries signed 26 years ago. Agrred on in 1992 by Spain's former Interior Minister José Luis Corcuera and his Moroccan counterpart Driss Bassri, this treaty has been rarely used.
«During the last 26 years, the agreement had only been applied exceptionally», stated Spanish newspaper El Pais. During the first years of its implementation, the treaty secured the repatriation of third world citizens within 10 days of their arrival.
During the first 13 years, the agreement was used only once to expel 114 migrants, reported El Pais.
In 2006, and while José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero was heading the Spanish government, the agreement was not used at all. In 2014, Spain's Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz amended the treaty. It became applicable only when migrants jump off the fence «violently», added the same source.
«Violating human rights»
Although Spain's decision was based on an agreement that Rabat agreed to abide with, the recent repatriation has sparked controversy in Madrid.
Amnesty International denounced Spain's approach, stating in a communiqué that «due to the speed at which it is carried out, it is difficult to guarantee access to a personalized procedure with full guarantees». Spanish officials were slammed for carrying the repatriation procedure in less than 24 hours.
Meanwhile, Spanish human rights activist Helena Maleno who also defends migrants' rights criticized the measure and the agreement signed between Morocco and Spain.
[#URGENTE] Los migrantes que ayer saltaron la valla de Ceuta han sido entregados a Marruecos en una expulsión colectiva. La ONU las prohíbe, el Gobierno español las aplica.
— Helena Maleno Garzón (@HelenaMaleno) 23 août 2018
«The UN forbids it, the Spanish government applies it», she tweeted on Thursday. «The Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and Pedro Sánchez have promised to put an end to this practice but they have made a step backward». For the activist, Spain is «violating human rights».
For the record, 3,800 migrants have made it to Spain through Moroccan borders this year, says Reuters quoting the U.N. refugee agency.

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