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Grenfell Tower fire : Moroccan survivors granted passports freely by the consulate
Publié dans Yabiladi le 06 - 07 - 2017

Following the tragic incident in west London, the British government has offered a 12 months amnesty period for the Grenfell fire survivors to check their immigration status. Hopefully, all Moroccan nationals affected by the blaze have a regular immigration status and the Kingdom's consulate in London offers to grant them for free their passports.
The Grenfell tower fire has left many British citizens and immigrants from different corners of the world without shelter. The government led by Theresa May announced following the incident that survivors, and most precisely immigrants would «receive support and assistance» within a period of 12 months. According to the Independent, a British online newspaper, immigrants will have to register with the Home Office to get their immigration status adjusted.
Prime Minister, Theresa May declared that the government will give a 12 months amnesty to survivors «who need help at risk of deportation if they come forward», reports the same source. To put it in other words, immigrants might get deported from the country if they do not check their status with the department in charge. Once the 12 months are over, every immigrant that was affected by the Grenfell fire will have to go through the normal immigrations rules.
Moroccan survivors
Thinking of the Moroccan nationals who lived in the Grenfell tower and who were closely affected by the tragedy, Yabiladi contacted Abderrahim Beyyoud, Morocco's General Consul in London who confirmed that «all Moroccan surviros who were living in the Grenfell tower have regular immigration status». The consul however indicated that «they have not received any request regarding this matter» and that all survivors are asked to let the consulate know about their immigration status.
Regarding Moroccan victims and survivors, Beyyoud declared that «the consulate has been committed to help all Moroccans who survived the fire by granting them for free passports and consular cards», adding that «even those who live next to the building and had to rescue the victims and get them out of the tower benefited from the procedure».
The consul informed Yabiladi that the consulate has granted Moroccan victims passports to be buried in their mother country. Beyyoud spoke about the case of «Omar Belkadi» who was buried on the 30th of June in Larach, «Abdessalam Sebbar», and «Khadija Khalloufi who was buried in Al Mohamedia», stated the consul. «They were all brought following the high instructions of his majesty King Mohammed VI, who ordered in a royal communiqué sent to the Embassy and Consulate of Morocco in London to assist Moroccan nationals who were affected by the fire», concluded Beyyoud.
For the record, 87 people were killed in the blaze that broke off in June. The Grenfell Tower was resided by several Moroccan nationals, some of them died terribly.

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