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Family bonds : Key to socialization for Moroccans at home and abroad (Study)
Publié dans Yabiladi le 26 - 02 - 2025

«Family ties remain a fundamental value for many», asserts the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES). This holds true even across geographical distances, particularly for expatriates, as highlighted in the third edition of the national survey on social connections. The findings indicate that relationships with relatives living abroad remain strong.
While trust between individuals can evolve over time, family ties remain the cornerstone of social interaction for many Moroccans, according to the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES). Published on February 11, 2025, the third edition of the national survey on social ties reveals that despite changes to societies and values, family continues to hold a central place in Moroccan society.
In other words, «the cultural globalization and technological revolution have yet to fundamentally alter individual attitudes and Moroccan national identity». However, the study notes that these changes are becoming more noticeable in urban areas, among younger generations, and within groups with higher cultural or economic capital.
Conducted under the theme «Social Ties in Morocco: What Role for the State and Social Actors?», the survey reaffirms «the relative stability of Morocco's societal model». It highlights five key aspects of social connections: family, friendship, neighborhood, work, and political ties. Among its findings, the study underscores «the primacy of family bonds, the influence of traditions, the attachment to national identity symbols, political disengagement, the material nature of social demands, and the continued reliance on the State for support».
Family : The Cornerstone of Social Relationships
According to IRES, the Covid-19 pandemic played a significant role in shaping recent social behaviors, leading to «a renewed appreciation for family, national solidarity, communal living, and even civic engagement with public institutions».
For 91% of respondents, family members provide essential moral and psychological support. Additionally: 85% recognize their role in childcare and education. 83% rely on family for help with heavy household chores. 81% acknowledge family assistance in job searches and 69% see family as a financial pillar for starting a business.
While the pandemic strengthened family bonds for many, it also exposed underlying tensions within nuclear families. Issues such as domestic violence, child abuse, increased divorce rates, and mental health struggles became more pronounced. Over half of respondents (54%) believe that the health crisis contributed to rising divorce rates.
However, as restrictions eased, family ties remained the strongest among social connections, with: 67% of respondents describing their family relationships as «strong», 44% saying the same about friendships and 42% expressing strong neighborhood ties. 42% have rated work relationships as «average», and 49% consider political ties to be «weak».
Moroccans Abroad Maintain Strong Family Bonds
The study also highlights that «family is no longer just a source of emotional support but also a key pillar of material solidarity». This is especially evident in the relationships between Moroccans residing abroad and their families in Morocco.
Among the 53% of Moroccans who have relatives living or working abroad, nearly three-quarters stay in contact with them at least once a month. This demonstrates a strong family attachment that endures despite physical distance.
In fact, 77% of respondents described their relationships with relatives living abroad as «excellent» or «good». This suggests that «the physical distance from Morocco and years of expatriation do not weaken the bond between Moroccans and their homeland».
The study was conducted using a four-degree stratified probabilistic sampling method, ensuring a representative sample of 6,000 individuals aged 18 and over from across Morocco's 12 regions. Data collection took place between December 2022 and February 2023.

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