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Morocco intensifies counterterrorism measures after dismantling of «Lions of the Caliphate» cell
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 02 - 2025

The level of vigilance must remain high to neutralize and thwart terrorist plans targeting Morocco, said Boubker Sabik, spokesperson for the National Security and Territorial Surveillance services, in a press briefing on Monday, February 24, 2025, in Salé.
Sabik explained that terrorist organizations do not operate according to a fixed agenda but seek the right opportunity to carry out attacks. Morocco is fully committed to regional and international cooperation, particularly through information exchange from field searches, to neutralize threats and expand related operations.
He also reported an increase in terrorist ideology, noting that «Daech» exports terrorist operations by creating specialized units for external attacks. He discussed the dismantling of the «Lions of the Caliphate in Al Maghreb Al Aqsa» cell, with ongoing efforts to identify its links with smuggling and organized crime networks, leaving all avenues open for investigation.
Sabik cautioned against doubting the dismantling operations, particularly as individuals linked to these groups spread rumors to create fear.
The cell operated under the direction of Abderrahman Al-Sahraoui, a senior Libyan Daech leader in the Sahel region. It had a pyramid-like structure where coordinators were in direct contact with Al-Sahraoui, while other members were kept isolated from him. The coordinators transmitted «terrorist instructions» to a team responsible for executing attacks, supported by a cell tasked with financing, indicating strategic planning by Daech to establish a presence in Morocco.
Seized weapons, including equipment connected to cell phones, suggested plans for remote detonations. Investigations also revealed that several suspects had consulted online resources on handling firearms.
Mohamed Nifaoui, Comptroller General of Police at the BCIJ, emphasized that terrorist groups are exploiting security gaps in the Sahel and using cross-border smuggling networks, with Morocco facing this challenge professionally. Nifaoui also noted that new communication technologies, including propaganda platforms from al-Qaeda and Daech, pose an increasing challenge for Moroccan security forces. Extremists are increasingly utilizing the internet, leading to a new generation of virtual terrorists. Since 2016, Morocco has arrested 600 individuals involved in online extremism.
He concluded that Morocco's security policy in counterterrorism is based on a strong, collective security doctrine, highlighting the country's efforts in international coordination with its allies and partners, translating into cooperation in intelligence and security and the proposal and adoption of initiatives.

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