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Morocco-Switzerland workshop : Advancing sustainable tourism in Beni Mellal
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 02 - 2025

Building on the results of its first phase, the Switzerland-Morocco Sustainable Tourism Program (TDSM) for the promotion of responsible and sustainable tourism will hold a workshop on February 27 in Beni Mellal to review the project's progress. The meeting will bring together representatives from both countries, experts, and local stakeholders to discuss the next steps.
This initial phase took place from January 2020 to December 2024 in the provinces of Beni Mellal and Azilal. It facilitated the implementation of innovative local initiatives to position tourism as a driver of local economic development while ensuring environmental preservation, according to a statement.
The TDSM is co-financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Ministry of Tourism, and the Moroccan Agency for Tourism Development (SMIT). Its primary goal has been to support the region—particularly the two targeted provinces—by assisting operators in transitioning to sustainable practices. The program also aims to reduce poverty at the local level by creating new jobs and improving existing ones, particularly for young people and women.
According to the same source, this first phase was marked by the launch and execution of several initiatives to enhance coordination among local actors and improve the competitiveness of tourism providers. These efforts included training workshops on Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC), visitor flow analysis methodology, sustainable destination management, and the marketing of tourism circuits.
Additionally, the program facilitated the creation of Sustainable Tourism Action Plans (STAP) in collaboration with local stakeholders, some of which have been integrated into the Regional Development Plan and Communal Action Plans. Another key focus was the rehabilitation of rural tourist accommodations (RTA), benefiting 21 establishments, with 19 more currently under renovation.
Regarding the development of tourism packages and circuits, environmentally respectful initiatives, such as at the M'Goun Geopark, were supported to highlight the region's natural and cultural heritage.

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