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Moroccan surfer Maryam El Gardoum breaks waves and barriers
Publié dans Yabiladi le 15 - 07 - 2024

A native of the coastal village of Tamraght, near the city of Agadir, Maryam El Gardoum grew up determined to realize her dreams against all odds. She found her place in the sun among the best surfing athletes, and now rivals them on the podiums of tournaments in Morocco and abroad.
Maryam El Gardoum, the daughter of a sailor, first trod the damp sands of the Tamraght coast with her father. Today, she walks the same steps as a surfer, defying even the biggest waves in the world. A native of this coastal village 14 km north of Agadir, Maryam began her professional career at the age of 11.
Initially unenthusiastic about the sport, she discovered bodyboarding on a small board. She clearly remembers the turning point when she saw a surfer standing on a board similar to hers. Little Maryam, inspired, tried surfing herself, which caught her brother's attention.
«He gave me a professional-size 6.0 surfboard. Every attempt I made to stand up was in vain, which discouraged me. That's when I realized I wasn't a fan of surfing», she recalls. However, her brother and his friends had a different perspective.
Two days later, Maryam tried again with a size 8.2 board. This time, with her cousin's help, she was surprised to stand upright for the first time. «I'll never forget that moment. I realized I was made for surfing», she says proudly in her Amazigh accent.
Learning to surf against all odds
For two years, Maryam practiced surfing on her own or with family members until the «Imouran» association was established to teach the sport in the region. «The registration fee was 300 dirhams. At first, my father was reluctant for me to sign up, fearing that our Amazigh origins would be frowned upon. I promised him I would never disappoint him or harm our close circle if I was accepted. So, at the tender age of 13, I gained my father's trust to continue my sports training».
«The extended family didn't look kindly on my involvement in the sport, as I was interacting with a predominantly male environment, which is unusual in our family traditions. But things changed when they started seeing me on news channels. Initially, they thought what I was doing was a waste of time and a violation of the rules».
The real beginning of Maryam's adventure
As the middle child among two brothers and four sisters, Maryam defied customs and traditions. «I was one of those who arrived before the association opened at seven o'clock in the morning. As soon as the door opened, we ran for the best gear. Whoever got there first got the best equipment», she recalls. «We didn't eat all day. We surfed as if the waves were our last. That's what I call surfing addiction», she continues.
In the summer of 2008, Maryam started taking things more seriously. She won her first local competition, which boosted her confidence. Since then, it's been one victory after another. The rising champion was ranked first in a regional tournament, then fourth in a championship in Sidi Ifni. «I didn't accept it. I got used to being at the top», she says.
A taste for effort
This was a significant step in her life, as Maryam received support from a local to buy new equipment and participate in the Moroccan Championship. At fourteen, she won her first national title in 2011.
«I went through all the stages until I reached the final. I got really scared when I entered the sea. I started throwing up, but I was determined to win. I waited for the right wave. I climbed up and stayed steady. I reached first place. It's a wonderful feeling».
Now 27, the Moroccan champion has repeated the feat five times: in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018. She also placed second three times in the same tournament. Internationally, she ranked eighth in the 2015 European Championship and second in the 2017 World Championship, despite difficult circumstances and an injury.
«For me, it wasn't a good outcome. The conditions were unsuitable, and things got worse after the competition. On the way back to Morocco, I tore my ankle ligament, which forced me to stop training for several months due to the federation's negligence», she lamented.
Maryam's injury was a challenging turning point in her career. She had to take a break from the sport, but her determination and efforts helped her come back strong, winning the Moroccan Championship in 2018.
Passing on surfing know-how
Alongside her professional career, Maryam began training at 17 and accumulated a know-how and experience, which helped her launch her own project, «Dihya Surf Morocco». The initiative is open to surfers of different nationalities, providing equipment and transport.
«In the beginning, I didn't have any surfing gear. I rented it and used a cab driver to deliver customers. After raising the necessary funds, I bought my own equipment and a car».
Although Maryam didn't continue her studies after high school, she has no regrets. «I always thought my place of work was at sea, not on land. But that doesn't mean I'm encouraging you to give up your studies», she advises.
Contrary to her younger years, Maryam now proudly displays her Amazigh identity through her clothing and language. «When I was young, I was ashamed of being Amazigh and often felt self-conscious. But over time, things changed. I began insisting on speaking my language on international channels, proudly declaring my Amazigh heritage», she says.

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