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Diaspo #337 : From Go-Kart to WTCR, Sami Taoufik chasing dreams in Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 04 - 05 - 2024

Sami started racing when he was five years old. From Go Kart to Formula 4 and 2, the young man embarked on a racing career, winning local and European championships. This weekend, he fulfills a dream by participating in the World Touring Car Championship (WTCR) in Marrakech.
It all began at a random birthday party in Madrid, where Sami, then five years old, first tried Go Kart racing. «I remember being quicker than anyone at the party even though it was my first-time driving», Spanish-born Moroccan racing driver Sami Worship Taoufik told Yabiladi in a phone interview.
Born in Spain to a Moroccan mother and English father, the young driver's passion for racing was ignited at that birthday party. On Christmas of the same year, his parents recognized his passion and got him his first Go Kart.
«I was obviously very passionate about it», recalled the 22-year-old racing driver. «I started practicing and riding around this roundabout that was outside of our house in Madrid». Sami drove for a year before his father enrolled him in his first competition, a local Madrid championship.
«After a few races, on my second year, I started winning the championship and I proceeded to win the Madrid championship, like three years in a row», Sami recalled. His success continued, winning the Spanish championship for another three consecutive years.
From Go Kart to Formula 1 and 4
After dominating local competitions, Sami, with his parents' support, set his sights on European championships. «On my first year doing that, I was ranked fourth in the world and on my second year I managed to win the European championship, which is the most respected championship of Go Kart in the whole world», Sami proudly declared.
Indeed, Sami became the first Moroccan driver to win the European Karting Championship in the OK Junior category. Having proven his talent in Go Kart, Sami decided to explore other racing disciplines, moving to single-seater Formula 4 and later doing a year of Formula 2.
«We then decided maybe single-seater wasn't the way because we don't find any fan base and sponsorship», Sami explained. «We started doing TCR Europe, which is more affordable and also more fun». TCR, which stands for Touring Car Racing, is a motorsport road racing competition that uses race-prepared touring cars.
Embarking on the TCR category, Sami first started competing in TCR Europe, the European championship. «It was more fun because it was not speed dependent, it was more talent dependent. You fight your way to the top five», Sami explained.
Throughout his racing career, Sami has proudly represented his heritage. «Since I was really young I really respected my mom's side of the family and Morocco», he said. «We used to come here every summer. I always wanted to race for Morocco. I always wanted to make sure that people knew I was from Morocco and I supported my country. It was always only because of my mom that I wanted to make her proud of her country, of my country».
Sami even declined sponsorship offers from Spain and England to race under the Moroccan flag.
Racing in Morocco
This weekend, Sami's dream of competing in Morocco finally comes true. The young man, who currently lives in Morocco, has participated to the World Touring Car Championship (WTCR) held in Marrakech, his mother's hometown. His photo is even on the race's poster, held on the 3rd and 4th of May in the Moroccan city.
«This is a really big race for me, and it is the very first big race I do in my home country», said Sami, who has already won a couple of Go Kart races in Morocco, namely in Rabat and Marrakech.
«I do have a name from winning a few races here in Morocco but never this, in such a high level, which is the World Touring Car Championship (WTCR), one of the most respected championships for touring car worldwide and I am very happy it's in my hometown in Marrakech».
Sami Taoufik
Although confident about his racing skills, Sami acknowledges a disadvantage compared to more seasoned competitors. «They have braced it for the last ten years whereas this is my first time...».
Sami, who competed in the championship's first race in Vallelonga, Italy, ranked 10th, Saturday in Marrakech in the first race of the FIA WTCR Race of Morocco, followed by fellow Moroccan racing driver Mehdi Bennani, who arrived 11th. He then, ranked 6th in the second race, held also Saturday at the Moulay Hassan circuit. Speaking to Yabiladi after the race, Sami happily declared : «Super! So happy, great weekend».
After years of racing, Sami's advice for young people who want to follow the same path as him is to never judge before trying. «My advice to young people: Don't be scared to try new things, I didn't know I loved cars and racing until I was 5 years old! Put yourself a little bit on the side of the risk, you never know where it can take you».
Article modifié le 04/05/2024 à 20h48

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