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Algeria donates fertilizer to Kenya in bid to rival Morocco's influence
Publié dans Yabiladi le 16 - 01 - 2024

Algeria has delivered a hefty shipment of fertilizer to Kenya, marking a direct challenge to Morocco's burgeoning fertilizer diplomacy in Africa. This move comes just as Kenyan senators advocate for normalized relations with Rabat.
Following in Morocco's footsteps, Algeria has entered the arena of phosphate diplomacy with a 16,000-ton fertilizer donation to Kenya. The Algerian presidency, in a press release relayed by local media, highlighted the crucial role of this urea 46 fertilizer in improving agricultural yields and reaffirmed its commitment to development aid within Africa.
This move echoes President Tebboune's February promise to Kenyan Speaker of the Lower House Moses Wetangula to provide phosphate and fertilizers.
Wetangula, in statements to the Algerian press, applauded the gesture, emphasizing its potential to strengthen bilateral cooperation and facilitate exports of Kenyan tea, coffee, and roses to Algeria, while securing imports of Algerian oil, gas, and fertilizers.
However, Kenya, the recipient of Algeria's «generosity», also recognizes the self-proclaimed «Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic» (SADR), raising eyebrows given the ongoing Western Sahara conflict. A well-informed source told Yabiladi that the donation is seen as a strategic move to shore up support for the Polisario within the Kenyan government amid a gradual rapprochement between Rabat and Nairobi.
Indeed, in December 2023, Kenyan senators urged their government to open an embassy in Morocco to mend ties with Rabat following a «sour» episode.
Algeria challenges Morocco with resource-driven diplomacy
Interestingly, this isn't Algeria's first foray into resource-driven diplomacy. Recent months have seen an «offensive» towards Angola, another Polisario supporter, the same source told Yabiladi. Fearing a potential withdrawal of recognition of the so-called «SADR» following an Angolan Foreign Minister's statement on Western Sahara in July 2023, Algeria pledged financial aid to Luanda.
This diplomatic push culminated in an Angolan envoy's meeting with President Lourenço in November 2023 after talks with his Algerian counterpart, Ahmed Attaf, the same source explained.
President Tebboune himself has signaled Algeria's ambition in the fertilizer scene. During an industrial fair in December 2023, he declared his country's «obligation» to assist Africa by meeting its fertilizer needs, implicitly criticizing what he perceived as Morocco's politicization of the issue.
Notably, a month prior, he boldly predicted Algeria's imminent rise to become the leading phosphate producer not only in Africa but potentially the world.

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