Industrial units operating in sectors not officially subject to suspension, can resume their activity after Eid al-Fitr provided they comply with health standards and measures to protect workers and customers, head of governmnet Saadeddine El Otmani said on Tuesday. Speaking at the House of Advisors, El Otmani pointed out that since the outbreak of the pandemic, it was decided to allow industrial and productive units that comply with health standards to continue their activities, a decision that is still in force. The food industry, the production of face masks and the pharmaceutical industry should continue their activities, but health security measures must be strengthened, he insisted. In this regard, he stressed that work standards were issued for the productive units in order to encourage them to continue their activities, noting that these conditions entail an additional cost. According to him, this includes the reduction of workers in order to guarantee social distancing as a preventive measure, in addition to the cost of disinfectants and the precautions to be adopted during the production and marketing phases. El Otmani recalled that a number of government departments have elaborated working guides for the various establishments and institutions, on the basis of which monitoring operations are carried out by regional commissions. Bilan Coronavirus dans le monde 259 465 151 Contaminations 5 174 661 Décès 235 366 205 Guérisons 53.8% de la population mondiale vaccinée