The Muslim community in Germany has urged the government to create a position to fight against Islamophobia in the country, reports Turkish news agency Anadolu. The president of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany Aiman Mazyek said, Wednesday, that the country must appoint an Islamophobia commissioner. «We have seen the importance of such a post after the federal government appointed a commissioner to combat anti-Semitism», he told German daily Bild. Anadolu recalls that last year the German government appointed a federal commissioner to fight antisemitism, responding to the calls of the Jewish community. But when it comes to Muslims no action has been taken yet. Mazyek believes that anti-Muslim propaganda in the country is on the rise and «has reached worrying levels in recent months, as more than 20 mosques received bomb threats in July». «One who is against Muslims or other minorities is in fact threatening us all in a free, democratic country. It is crucial that the society recognizes this», he added.