Several countries, around the world, will be celebrating the first day of Ramadan on Monday, including Australia, Belgium and France. Moonsighting will be conducted Sunday in Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Mauritania. The first day of Ramadan is on Monday, May the 6th, Australian National Imams Council announced on its official Facebook page, Friday. «The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamad and the Australian National Imams Council wish to make the following statement : the holy month of Ramadan for this year (1440H – 2019) will begin on Monday», the same source said. «The first night of the holy month of Ramadan and Taraweeh prayer will be on Sunday, May 5», the Council stressed in the same statement. In Belgium, Muslims will be fasting on Monday, May 6th, after the Muslim Executive of Belgium announced in a communiqué, sent to Yabiladi on Saturday, that the last day of Sha'ban will be on Sunday. In Indonesia and Malaysia, which are usually the first Asian countries with large Muslim communities to announce the start of Ramadan, the new moon will be observed on Sunday, May 5. The same thing goes for Japan, according to the Japanese committee Ruyat-e-Hilal, a body that is in charge of observing the crescent moon. Moonsighting will take place at the International Islamic Center of Japan, in Tokyo. Moonsighting in North Africa In France, Monday May 6 will mark the beginning of Ramadan, announced the Great Mosque of Paris and the Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) on Saturday, May 4. LUNDI 6 MAI 2019, début jeûne mois de #Ramadhan1440H annonce la Commission théologique de la @mosqueedeparis et Bureau exécutif CFCM réunis autour du Recteur D. Boubakeur, ce samedi 4 mai 2019 (correspondant au 29ème jour du mois de Chaâbane 1440/H) Voir communiqué & calendrier — GrandeMosquéeDeParis (@mosqueedeparis) 4 mai 2019 In Qatar, the holy month will begin Monday, May 6, said the Qatari Ministry of Religious and Islamic Affairs on its official Twitter account. In Saudi Arabia, the Supreme Court confirmed that Ramadan will start on Monday, May 6, according to an official statement shared online. In the United Arab Emirates, the 1st day of Ramadan will be on Monday. Meanwhile, Kuwait and Iraq announced that the last day of Sha'ban is on Sunday, confirming that Monday is the first day of the holy month. غدا الأحد 5-5-2019 هو المُتمم لشهر شعبان. وسيكون يوم الاثنين 6-5-2019 هو أول أيام شهر رمضان المُبارك. وفقنا الله جميعاً لما يُحب ويرضى.#وزارة_الأوقاف#طاعة_ومغفره — وزارة الأوقاف - قطر (@AwqafM) 4 mai 2019 For the record, moonsighting will be conducted tomorrow in Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Mauritania.