Las largas filas de espera en B.Laban, en el barrio Maarif de Casablanca, han dado una idea a revendedores oportunistas. Compran y venden productos de la franquicia en la acera o en las puertas de los edificios vecinos a precios inflados. Tanto la (...)
Long lines at B.Laban in Casablanca's Maarif neighborhood have led to resellers buying and selling the franchise's products on the pavement or at neighboring doorsteps for inflated prices. Both the franchise and local residents have condemned the (...)
La «Red de Soluciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible» de las Naciones Unidas ha dado a conocer su informe anual sobre la «Felicidad en el Mundo para el año 2024», situando a Marruecos en el puesto 112 a nivel global.
Coincidiendo con el Día (...)
The United Nations' «Sustainable Development Solutions Network» released its annual report on «World Happiness for the year 2024», ranking Morocco 112th globally.
Coinciding with the world's celebration of the International Day of Happiness on March (...)
Marruecos vuelve a liderar el norte de África en cuanto a libertad económica, según el índice de 2025. Con una puntuación de 60,3 puntos, ha mejorado respecto al año pasado, mientras que sus vecinos de la región MENA, como Argelia y Túnez, se (...)
Morocco once again leads North Africa in economic freedom, according to the 2025 Index. With a score of 60.3, it has improved from last year, while its MENA region neighbors, such as Algeria and Tunisia, continue to lag far behind. Analysis.
Morocco (...)
Nonprofit organization Freedom House, known for its research on democracy, political freedom, and human rights, today released its 2025 Political Rights and Civil Liberties Index.
In its tenth annual report, titled «The Uphill Battle to Safeguard (...)
Africorp Consortium, known in Morocco for its Dolidol brand, is expanding into the Middle East with the acquisition of Intercoil International -Simmons®. The Moroccan group, already well established in Africa, now ranks among the world's top five (...)
Trois entreprises marocaines ont remporté, jeudi à Salé, le Prix Arabe de la Qualité, décerné par l'Organisation Arabe du Développement Industriel, de Normalisation et d'Exploitation Minière (AIDSMO), en marge de la 60ème réunion de la Commission (...)
Trois entreprises marocaines ont remporté, jeudi à Salé, le Prix Arabe de la Qualité, décerné par l'Organisation Arabe du Développement Industriel, de Normalisation et d'Exploitation Minière (AIDSMO), en marge de la 60ème réunion de la Commission (...)
The Egyptian dessert franchise B.Laban has created quite a buzz in Casablanca with the opening of its first Moroccan branch. Located in the bustling Maarif neighborhood, the shop has become a magnet for dessert enthusiasts eager to sample its creamy (...)
En 30 ans d'existence, HPS est passée d'une startup de dix employés à Casablanca à une multinationale de plus de 990 collaborateurs répartis dans huit pays, devenant ainsi l'un des trois leaders mondiaux des technologies de paiement, avec des (...)
La ville ocre vibre au rythme des arts contemporains. En effet, du 30 janvier au 2 février 2025, à la Mamounia et à l'espace d'art multidisciplinaire DaDa, au cœur de la Médina à Marrakech, la Foire d'Art Contemporain Africain 1-54 sera de retour (...)
Abderrazak Hamdallah a contribué à la victoire de son équipe, Al Shabab, lors d'un match amical contre l'équipe koweïtienne Al Kuwait, remporté sur le score de 4-0. La rencontre s'est déroulée ce jeudi à Doha.
Les quatre buts de l'équipe saoudienne (...)
La plus grande messe internationale de l'art contemporain d'Afrique et de la diaspora africaine, 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair, est de retour pour sa 6ème édition à Marrakech.
L'édition 2025 accueillera plus de 30 exposants de quatorze pays (...)
Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita received Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, in Rabat on Thursday, December 12. Talks focused on «the strategic partnership» between the kingdom and the monarchies of the (...)
UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee 2024, meeting in Asuncion, Paraguay, on Tuesday, added henna to the list of 19 new elements requiring urgent safeguarding.
«Henna symbolizes the life cycle of an individual, from birth to death, and is (...)
On Friday, Moroccan inventor Fouad Faqiri won the gold medal at the Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF), held in the South Korean capital from November 27 to 30.
During the event, Faqiri also received an honorary award from «Citizen (...)
Morocco ranked 76th in the 2024 Network Readiness Index, improving its position from the previous year. While it excelled in technology and people pillars, it lagged behind in impact and governance.
Morocco has ranked 76th in the 2024 edition of the (...)
Morocco maintained its 92nd position in the 2024 Global Rule of Law Index with a score of 0.48, unchanged from last year. The country ranked 6th in the Arab world, with Denmark, Norway, and Finland leading the global rankings.
Morocco maintained its (...)
En l'espace de 24 heures seulement, le président du Wydad de Casablanca Hicham Aït Menna a frappé deux grands coups en enrôlant le Sud-Africain Cassius Mailula et le Brésilien Pedrinho, de quoi se parer pour la prochaine coupe du monde des clubs à (...)
35% of Moroccans, particularly younger and educated individuals, express a desire to migrate, with North America as the top destination. Economic challenges and better opportunities abroad are the primary motivations, with many considering (...)
From July 9 to 11, the US capital will host the 75th summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The military alliance has invited Arab countries and Israel to take part in the conclave, announced the US State Department spokesman (...)
The decision to declare a period of national mourning in Morocco remains the prerogative of the king and is announced upon the death of prominent figures within the Kingdom and in friendly and brotherly countries, or after tragic events such as (...)
The 12th edition of the Dakhla International Film Festival will take place from June 3rd to 9th under the theme «Dakhla: Gateway to Africa», announced the Association for Cultural and Artistic Revitalisation of the Southern Provinces.
The festival (...)