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Eid Al-Fitr : The last day of Ramadan announced in Morocco, the UK and Canada
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 06 - 2017

Muslim communities in several capitals across the world have confirmed moon-sighting, celebrating Eid Al-Fitr on the first day of Shawwal. Know when countries around the world will end the fasting and embrace the Eid.
While several countries embraced the first day of Ramadan on the 27th of May, Muslims around the world have been waiting for the announcement of moon-sighting to determine the first day of Shawwal. A declaration that would put an end to the holy month and pinpoint the date of Eid Al-Fitr.
Morocco to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr on Monday
In Morocco, Ramadan is here to stay for one more day, the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs has announced in a communiqué that «they were not able to sight the moon». Hence, Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated in the Kingdom on Monday 26th of June.
The crescent moon has announced the beginning of Shawwal for Tunisia which will be celebrating the Eid on Sunday. Algeria has also confirmed the same thing announcing that today was the last day of Ramadan.
Eid Al-Fitr in the UK, Canada and France
The Muslim community in the UK is celebrating Eid Al-Fitr on the 25th of June. According to a communiqué released by the the UK Islamic Cultural Centre announced «to the whole Muslim Community in the UK that Sunday 25 June 2017 is the Eid ul-Fitr Day and the 1st of Shawwal 1438 Hijri». UK Prime Minister Theresa May issued a communiqué stating : «I send my warmest good wishes to Muslims here in the United Kingdom, and right around the world, who are celebrating the festival of Eid al-Fitr».
Canada also is celebrating the first day of Eid Al-Fitr on Sunday 25th of June. The Islamic Center of Canada reported that wishing the Muslim community in the North American country a happy Eid.
In the Grand Mosque of Paris, a theological committee was gathered on Saturday to determine the first day of Eid Al-Fitr. The Committee, led by the President of the French Council of Muslim faith (CFCM), and attended by representatives of Muslim federations and representatives of the Muslim community including Imams, mosque officials and believers, declared that Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated on Sunday the 25th of June. The information was reported by Radio Soleil and will be officially communicated by the Grand Mosque of Paris.
Gulf countries to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr tomorrow
Qatar has announced alongside the United Arab Emirates that tomorrow 25th of June is the first day of Shawwal. According to, moon-sighting in the two countries suggest that Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated on Sunday.
Two more Arab countries have announced moon-sighting today. According to Sky News Arabia, the Crescent moon was seen in Saudi Arabia which makes Saturday the last day of Ramadan in the kingdom. The same source points out that Saudi Arabia will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr Sunday 25th of June. Other media platforms have tweeted that moon sighting indicated Sunday as the first day of the Eid. A royal statement said that the Saudi Supreme Court announced that «tomorrow is the first day of Eid al-Fitr.»
أكد مرصد #تمير رؤية هلال #شوال وغداً هو اليوم الأول من شوال وبانتظار إعلان #المحكمة_العليا عن #عيد_الفطر_المبارك
— #عادل_الزائري (@ADEL_ZAIRI) 24 juin 2017
In the same region, Shabat Akhbar Omania, has announced on Twitter that Monday 26th of June is the first day of Shawwal. The same source adds that they were unable to sight the moon hence celebrating Eid Al-Fitr will be on Monday.
عاجل |
سلطنة عُمان تعلن يوم الأثنين أول أيام #عيد_الفطر السعيد بعد تعذر رؤية هلال شهر #شوال مساء هذا اليوم. كل عام والجميع بخير
— شبكةالأخبار العمانية (@ONN_1) June 24, 2017
The Jordanian kingdom, the International Astronomical Center announced that Sunday is the first day of Shawwal. The same source indicated that moon-sighting assures that Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated tomorrow as reported by almashhad-alyemeni, a local online media platform.
Eid Al-Fitr in Australia and Malaysia
Countries located in South-East Asia were the first ones to announce the first day of Shawwal. According to, an online newspaper, Saturday is the last day of Ramadan in Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. These countries will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr Sunday 25th of June. «Malaysia will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr tomorrow, as announced by national TV and the Radio», the same source indicates.
In Australia, the National Council of Imams also announced on Saturday that after «extensive consultation with Imams from different states and the astronomical observatory regarding the begining of the Eid … Saturday 24th of June, 2017 will be the last day of Ramadan of this year». The announcement was made by the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed on his Facebook page and Twitter through a communiqué issued by the Council. On the other hand, others in Australia were unable to sight the moon and annouced that they will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr on Monday. According to «in Australia, confusion prevails among Muslim community. According to reports, some sects in Australia may observe Eid as per the decision taken by KSA».
#Moonwars in full swing in Australia. Many say they unable to sight tonight and therefore Eid will be on Monday as opposed
— Azhar Vadi (@AzharVadi) June 24, 2017
Indonesia has also declared that the first day of Eid Al-Fitr is the 25th of June. Telset, an Indonesian media platform reported that on Saturday members of the government who visited the Cipaganti mosque in Bandung city have announced the news.
Presiden Jokowi Ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
— iiBerry Indonesia (@iiberry_id) June 24, 2017
In Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, where Ramadan started on Sunday 28th of May, moon sighting will take place on Sunday 25th of June while Brunei has already declared that the first day of Shawwal is to be celebrated on Monday 26th of June.
North America and Japan
For North America, the Fiqh Council of North America has published the first day of Shawwal on its official website. In a communiqué issued by the council that «recognizes astronomical calculation as an acceptable Shar'i method for determining the beginning of Lunar months including the months of Ramadan and Shawwal», Eid Al-Fitr is on Sunday 25th of June 2017.
According to the Islamic center in Japan, Sunday is the first day of Eid Al-Fitr as reported by Almadaen.

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