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Ramadan abroad : Organizing Iftars for Muslims in english-speaking countries
Publié dans Yabiladi le 29 - 05 - 2017

Gathering around food with family and living the vibes of Ramadan can be revived thanks to charity associations in English-speaking countries. Muslims and most precisely Moroccans attend organized Iftars and participate to activities put together by non-profit organizations.
During the holy month of Ramadan charity associations work hard to help Muslims living abroad enjoy fasting as if they were back home. Iftars, Tarawih prayers and preaching sessions are all organized to make others practice their faith and also help those who cannot afford it. In English-speaking countries, several associations organize Iftars to help the poor and also create an intimate atmosphere where immigrants get the chance to meet other Muslims, have traditional dishes, and pray Tarawih prayers.
In the USA and most precisely in Chicago, the Maghreb Association of North America (Manachicago) is all about reviving the ambiance of Ramadan in the Land of opportunities. Contacted by Yabiladi the non-profit organization revealed its program for the holy month. «Members of the associations along with other people can attend our Iftar organized every Wednesday in the north side at ZAMZAM banquets hall», staff of Manachicago stated.
Established in 1989 with the task of maintaining and improving the spirit of community «among the friends of the Maghreb region, foster cultural understanding and diversity in a pluralist American society», has a very active schedule for Ramadan. «We mostly focus on kids, as we organize Quran classes, arts and crafts and we also offer babysitting» adding that «for adults we have Darss sessions, Salat Tarawih and for Iftar we prepare traditional dishes».
Helping the poor
According to the official website of the association they will hold «plenty of activities for children, Quran and Seerah competitions, and celebration for kids fasting for the first time». Manachicago has other branches in Houston, TX and celebrates Aid Al Adha along with other Islamic holidays.
On the other hand, Muslim Hands association is occupied with the task of preparing Iftars for imprisoned Muslims in the UK as explained to Yabiladi. They also operate abroad providing food for families in Arab and Muslim countries. As stated on its official website «through (their) Ramadan Food Programe, we'll be providing family food packs and community iftars in 38 countries across the globe».
Muslims living abroad have the chance to donate during Ramdan. Islam relief operating in Canada, Australia and the UK hold annual campaigns to provide food for Muslims in Africa, the Middle East and in war zones.

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