Six new cement plants will be created in Africa by a coalition of LafargeHolcim and SNI, under their joint subsidiary LafargeHolcim Maroc Afrique (LHMA), and for a total capacity of 3 million tons, the subsidiary said in a communique issued byt the company. The decision to develop the six cement plants was made following a strategic study 6 months ago. The study has identified the considerable growth opportunities not yet covered by ongoing projects, both in the countries where the subsidiary is located and in a number of new markets, Marouane Tafra, stated. «That's why we decided to launch six new projects over the next 24 months, with a total capacity of around 3 million tones», he added. In addition, Marouane tarafa said that the markets where the subsidiary is present are experiencing a significant resumption of growth in 2017. Indeed, LHMA intends to support the units in Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon as platforms for its development in Africa, West and Central Africa.