Morocco was elected a deputy member of the International Labor Organization's (ILO) governing body, representing the North African group in accordance with the Rotation Agreement set between the countries of the region. During the voting session held Monday night in Geneva during the International Labor Conference (5-17 June), the kingdom was ranked second in the African list with 233 votes. «This election will allow Morocco to be present for two successive terms to the board of directors as an associate member from 2017 to 2020 and then as a titular member in the second from 2020 to 2023» indicates the Ministry of Employment & Professional Insertion. The Governing Body is the executive body of the ILO, whose International Labor Office (ILO) serves as the secretariat. It meets three times a year, takes decisions on ILO policy, sets the agenda for the International Labor Conference, adopts the program and the budget of the ILO, and elects the Director-General. As regards the Workers' group, Moroccan Amal El Amri, Deputy Secretary-General of the Moroccan Union of Labor (UMT), was re-elected to the ILO Governing Body for a three-year term. She was re-appointed as a deputy member of the Workers' Group with 95 out of 129 votes cast. The Kingdom is represented at this 106th session of the International Labor Conference by a tripartite delegation chaired by the Minister of Employment & Professional Insertion, Mohamed Yatim and governmental representatives, employers' organizations and main organizations union. The Workers' delegation is led by UMT General Secretary Miloud Mukharik.