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Moroccan sisters Asmaa and Sara Abouchi defy odds to pursue acrobatics dreams
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 12 - 2024

Moroccan sisters Asmaa and Sara Abouchi train tirelessly on rooftops and streets, showcasing their acrobatic talent across cities. Supported by their father, the sisters dream of representing Morocco internationally, undeterred by injuries and challenges.
In the vibrant streets and squares of Moroccan cities, eight-year-old Asmaa and her sister Sara Abouchi, five years older, tell a story of determination through their acrobatic moves. Their athletic journey began when Sara was just six years old, starting with Taekwondo. The girls quickly proved their talent, and an experienced coach from the show «The Artist», which aired six years ago, guided them into the world of circus and acrobatics.
In 2018, Sara decided to quit Taekwondo and switch completely to acrobatics, followed by Asmaa three years later. Despite Morocco's lack of specialized training centers in this field, the Fez-native sisters were able to adapt thanks to the support of their coach. Surprisingly, little Asmaa proved capable of learning the moves with record speed. «I was very surprised at how quickly she adapted; she proved that she's got it in her», their father proudly told Yabiladi.
Acrobats in the streets and on roofs
Despite the lack of proper training facilities, the girls refused to limit their ambitions. While they train on rooftops with very simple equipment, facing difficult training conditions and daily challenges, they seem to enjoy every moment. «We often do our workouts and training on the street or on the roof, in difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions», Sara admitted.
Although Asmaa suffered a broken shoulder last year, it wasn't enough to quench her passion; it only strengthened her resolve. «Even though she fell, she didn't give up; she kept practicing as if nothing had happened», her father recalled.
«Last year, she broke her shoulder so badly», the older sister recounts innocently, but the incident didn't stop her determination. «Despite the fall and the injury, she didn't give up; she practiced while injured, and the sport has become an integral part of her daily life», the father said proudly.
Sometimes, while waiting for the red light at traffic lights, the two girls take the opportunity to perform short acrobatic shows for drivers and pedestrians, in an attempt to spread happiness amidst the crowds. Their father makes sure to stop the cars to give them a chance to perform their little shows that put a smile on faces, if only for a few minutes.
The girls' performances were not limited to the streets, and they toured various Moroccan cities, performing in front of cafes and in public squares, which made them very popular. The road has not always been easy, and they have faced some objections from local authorities.
«Although sometimes we get frustrated by difficult situations, we don't give up because we love what we do», Sara said. Their father, who accompanies them every step of the way, emphasizes that the public's encouragement is the biggest motivation to keep going. «People's interaction and enthusiasm make us believe that what we are doing is worth all the efforts and challenges», the father noted.
Although sports have taken the lion's share of the girls' time, sometimes at the expense of their studies, their ambition remains greater than any challenge. «Sometimes I feel that sports are more of a priority for them than school. I don't know if it's just a feeling, but that's what I notice», he joked.
The girls had previously received an offer to participate in Arab's Got Talent, but circumstances beyond their control prevented them from realizing that dream. Still, their eyes shine brightly as they dream of representing Morocco in international competitions one day.

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