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Diaspo #53 : Osman Elkharraz, an actor rising from the ashes
Publié dans Yabiladi le 18 - 08 - 2018

Born in Nanterre to a Moroccan father from El Jadida, Osman Elkharraz's life changed when his parents died. As a teenager, he starred in Abdellatif Kechiche's second film «L'Esquive», but quickly found himself in the streets.
30-year-old Osman Elkharraz is an actor, movie director and writer. He dreamt of becoming part of the movie industry since he was a child but everything took a different turn when his parents died.
The seven-year-old had to take care of himself and achieving his ultimate goal was a challenge. «After my parents passed away, I lived with my grandmother for a while», Osman told Yabiladi, recalling that having to stay with a family member was «beautiful but it was not [his] home».
«I moved to the house that my father left us, but no one really took care of us, my three siblings and I. My older brother had to be a father to us. He worked hard to pay the bills», Osman recalled.
A teenager and an actor
While living in Colombes (Ile-de-France), 13-year-old Osman was offered a once-in-a-life opportunity. «I was walking near a shopping mall in La Défense neighborhood, when a group of people came to me, asking if I can participate to a film audition», recalled Osman, referring to «L'Esquive», a movie directed by Abdellatif Kechiche.
Osman made it through the casting and was chosen for the film's main role. Proud of his first project as an actor, the young man participated to another movie «Né en 68». The latter was directed by Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau. He also starred in a series called «SOS 18» and directed by Didier Cohen and Alain Krief between 2005 and 2010.
Despite his flourishing acting career, Osman was having a hard time coping with life. Because of financial issues, he had to drop out of school when he was 15 years old and abandon acting classes at Florent. «I couldn't stick to these activities as I was hanging out with the wrong people», he explained.
«I was alone at home, I did not have parents and I did not care about the good grades because I had to bring food and clothes instead», said Osman.
A devastated actor
Osman Elkharraz thought that being nominated to win an award would bring him fame and money, but, according to him «it was not easy», especially «when you grow up in the suburbs and you are by your own».
«The world of cinema is full of beautiful words. You are told that you will go far, that you have a bright future ahead of you, that you are a promising actor. When you are young, you live naturally with this hope. But finally, reality disappoints you».
Osman Elkharraz
Osman waited impatiently for his 18th birthday to finally get paid for the roles he played in cinema. «I only received a part of what it was planned, less than 3000 euros», he told Yabiladi, stressing that he was «lied to».
Struggling to survive, Osman found refuge in the streets. Speaking to Yabiladi he thought of all the difficult moments he went through. «The nights were long and hopeless and I tried everything to look good so that no one discovers that I was homeless», he said.
«When you live in the street, it's very hard to reach for others. Sometimes it's even hard for you to accept help, because you feel ashamed and uncomfortable at the same time, even if you shouldn't be».
Osman Elkharraz
A new start
Thanks to his determination, Osman Elkharraz has managed to get back on track. He toured cinemas in Paris and made sure to give his CV «every morning at the same time» to everyone who could help. Meanwhile, he applied for a job at the post office and Galleries Lafayette.
«I was so determined that in two weeks, I was able to find a three-month fixed-term job in Lafayette. I was able later to have a permanent contract with my employer, which allowed me to have a place. After that, a social worker helped me get a small apartment».
Osman Elkharraz
Now, Osman is an actor and writer who also works as a courier in Paris. «I was lucky, even though I went through a lot, I suffered, starved, and I couldn't shower for days but I was offered help», he said.
In May 2016, he published his first book «Confession d'un acteur déchu - de L'Esquive à la rue» (Stock). It tells his own story and stops by all the stages of his life. He was supported by many artists such as rapper Booba and Franck Dubosc.
«I am Moroccan are there are many Maghreb artists in France. But that does not mean that they have all supported me. I do not expect anything from them, but I think it would have been easier if they had helped me in one way or another, depending on what they could have done».
Osman Elkharraz
Alongside his writing, Osman directed a short film «Coup de Poker», relying on crowdfunding. The movie was premiered on July the 14th in France and it will be screened in several festivals.
«I do not have a large professional network in Morocco yet, but I will try to find a way to screen the movie there too. Also, I'm working on my second book and two other short films».
Osman Elkharraz
Thanks to this new start, Osman Elkharraz has the joy of rediscovering Morocco, for two years. «Due to lack of resources and since I lived for a long time in the street, I could not do it during my childhood or teenage years»,he said.
He is now visiting Morocco to discover what he missed in the last years. «My father is buried in Casablanca, so I go visit him every time I'm in Morocco. It's good to be here», he concluded.

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