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Violent clashes erupt between pro-Palestinian and Israeli fans, Israeli media blames Moroccans
Publié dans Yabiladi le 08 - 11 - 2024

Violent clashes erupted, Thursday, in Amsterdam between pro-Palestinian and Israeli football fans during a Europa League match between Maccabi Tel Aviv and Ajax. The Dutch Prime Minister condemned the events, while Israeli media accused Moroccans and Turks of being behind the incident.
Violent clashes erupted Thursday in the center of Amsterdam between pro-Palestinian football fans and Israeli supporters attending a Europa League match between Maccabi Tel Aviv and Ajax.
Israeli Channel 12 reported that Israeli fans instigated the riots by tearing down a Palestinian flag hanging on a building and provoking Arab and Muslim taxi drivers.
Videos shared online show Israeli football fans chanting anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian slogans. Minutes before the game's kickoff, they reportedly attempted to provoke Dutch fans by refusing to observe a moment of silence for the victims of the Valencia floods in Spain, a country that recognizes the Palestinian state.
⬅️شاهد ..
فيديو يظهر تمزيق مشجعين "إسرائيليين" للعلم الفلسطيني في العاصمة الهولندية قبيل مباراة فريق"مكابي تل أبيب" مع أياكس أمستردام، وهو ما تسبب في اندلاع احتجاجات.
— المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام (@PalinfoAr) November 8, 2024
In a statement shared on X on Friday, Amsterdam police said an investigation has been launched «into multiple violent incidents» related to Thursday's clashes. Five people were injured and taken to the hospital, while 62 others were arrested, according to the Amsterdam police.
«The police are aware of reports regarding a possible hostage situation and missing persons, but currently have no confirmation that this actually took place. This aspect is also under investigation», the police added.
Maccabi-supporters moeten van politie GVB-bus in
— AT5 (@AT5) November 8, 2024
The Dutch Prime Minister responded quickly to Thursday's clashes, describing the violent events as «antisemitic attacks on Israeli citizens», in a post on X on Friday. «This is completely unacceptable. I am in close contact with all parties involved and have just spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu by phone to stress that the perpetrators will be identified and prosecuted. The situation in Amsterdam is now calm once more», he added.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Foreign Ministry alleged that «at least ten Israelis were injured», and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered two planes to Amsterdam on Friday morning to «rescue» Maccabi Tel Aviv fans. He described the clashes as a «horrific incident of extreme gravity» and demanded that «the Dutch government and security forces take strict and swift action against the rioters and ensure the safety of our citizens».
Israel's National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, commented, «Fans who went to watch a football match faced anti-Semitism and were subjected to a cruel attack simply because they are Jews and Israelis».
However, speaking to Al Jazeera, an Amsterdam city council member said that the Israeli fans «instigated the violence after arriving in the city and attacking Palestinian supporters before the match».
«They began attacking houses of people in Amsterdam with Palestinian flags, so that's actually where the violence started», councilman Jazie Veldhuyzen told Al Jazeera on Friday. «As a reaction, Amsterdammers mobilised themselves and countered the attacks that started on Wednesday by the Maccabi hooligans», he added.
Moroccans accused of being behind the clashes
Israeli media did not stop there, further blaming Dutch fans of Moroccan origin for the clashes. i24news claimed that the Israeli football fans «were attacked by Dutch people of Turkish and Moroccan origin».
The same outlet reported that in «another incident, Dutch people of Turkish and Moroccan origin arrived at a casino in Amsterdam and waited for Maccabi Tel Aviv fans who were present at the venue». «Two Maccabi Tel Aviv fans entered the casino after being assaulted, with blood on their faces. The guards closed the casino and asked the Israelis who were present to go downstairs because there were 50 Arabs waiting outside with sticks and knives», the newspaper alleged.
Moroccan footballer Hakim Ziyech on Instagram: "If it's not women and children then they run away. ????
— Leyla Hamed (@leylahamed) November 8, 2024
A pro-Palestinian rally was planned near the stadium where the match was held, but the Amsterdam municipality requested it be organized elsewhere for security reasons.
Moroccan international Hakim Ziyech posted a video of the events with the comment, «If they are not women and children, they are running away», adding, «Free Palestine».
Il y a 8 mois en Grèce, les fans de Maccabi Tel Aviv ont attaqué des Egyptiens qui portaient un drapeau palestinien .
— L'oeil Medias (@LoeilMedias1) November 8, 2024
This is not the first time Maccabi Tel Aviv has clashed with pro-Palestinian football fans. In March, during a Maccabi Tel Aviv vs. Olympiacos game in Athen, Greece, Israeli fans attacked a pro-Palestinian supporter. Greek media reported that Israeli fans assaulted an Iraqi youth who had raised a Palestinian flag.
Article modifié le 08/11/2024 à 13h26

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