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Moroccan NGO faces backlash over pro-Israel statement on October 7
Publié dans Yabiladi le 09 - 10 - 2024

Isaac Charia, Secretary General of the Moroccan Liberal Party, announced legal action against the Maroc Coexistence association for «incitement to terrorism» following their statement supporting Israel. This move follows the NGO's statement in support of Israel on October 7.
The Secretary General of the Moroccan Liberal Party (PLM), Isaac Charia, announced on Monday that a group of lawyers from his party would be taking legal action for incitement to terrorism against the Maroc Coexistence association and its president.
In a post on social media, the Rabat-based lawyer called on «all honorable people» to coordinate with the legal committee to «stand up to attempts at division and incitement to violence». This move follows the NGO's statement in support of Israel on October 7. In its statement, the organization highlighted that the date is «marked by terror, barbarity, and unspeakable suffering», referring to the Hamas attacks on Israeli settlements bordering the Gaza Strip.
Without acknowledging the 42,010 Palestinians killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023, the association's president, Faiçal Marjani, condemned «the horror of these [Hamas] attacks that have ruthlessly targeted innocent civilians» on the Israeli side. He emphasized that «a day sacred to the Jewish people, Shabbat, and the Sim'hat Torah celebrations, was turned into a nightmare», condemning the Palestinian resistance as «despicable attacks, filmed and broadcast with unprecedented cruelty».
The NGO further compared the events to «the darkest chapters of history», equating the Hamas actions to «the atrocities committed by the Nazis during the Holocaust». According to the association, «the massacres, humiliations, and inhumane acts on that day remind us that hatred knows no borders, and that evil, when left unchecked, repeats itself». Consequently, the organization voiced its «unwavering support for the Israeli government in its just and necessary fight for the security of its citizens and the defense of its territory against the terrorist threat».
While the Gaza Strip, under heavy Israeli bombardment for a year, is recognized as part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories by international law, Maroc Coexistence argued that «Israel has not only the right but the duty to defend itself and its people against any existential threat». They maintained that «peace must prevail over hatred».
Legal response : Accusations of incitement
In response, Isaac Charia announced the formation of a legal team from PLM to bring the case to court for «calling for murder and incitement to terrorism». He contended that the association's «absolute solidarity with the Israeli government in its war against defenseless Palestinians» and «support for the Zionist army, from within Moroccan territory, for more massacres and displacements» confirmed «a bias in favor of terrorist actions».
Charia stressed that the legal action is based on the fact that «calls to murder and incitement to terrorism are criminal offenses under Moroccan law» and represent an apology for insurrection. He added that this position diverges from the official stance of the Commander of the Faithful, King Mohammed VI, who has supported the Palestinian cause. Charia condemned the «Zionist agenda» of the association, accusing it of attempting to «involve Morocco and its people in positions contrary to their steadfast convictions in support of the Palestinian struggle».
Morocco's official position
Morocco officially supports the «two-state solution, with a Palestinian state on the June 1967 borders, with East Al-Quds as its capital». This position was reaffirmed during a press briefing by Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, who expressed concern over the war in Gaza and Israel's ongoing attacks in Lebanon.
Bourita emphasized the need to prevent extremists from «controlling the Middle East agenda», calling for a return to constructive dialogue. He also reiterated Morocco's condemnation of «attacks on schools and hospitals, and the policy of starving Palestinians in their own territories».

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