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Calm restored in northern Morocco after mass migration attempts to Ceuta
Publié dans Yabiladi le 19 - 09 - 2024

The situation in M'Diq and Fnideq has normalized after days of tension caused by thousands of young people attempting to cross into Ceuta, with authorities responding by deploying security measures and deporting many of those involved. Human rights groups are calling for investigations into alleged mistreatment and urging the adoption of social and economic solutions to address the root causes of irregular migration.
The situation in M'Diq and Fnideq has returned to normal after days of tension caused by hundreds of young people and minors, both Moroccan and foreign, attempting to cross into Ceuta irregularly, according to Achraf Mimoun, a human rights activist and member of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) in Tetouan.
Despite the large security presence and the border returning to normal operations, Mimoun noted that some young people are still roaming the surrounding areas, such as Belyounech, near the city of Benzú in Ceuta, and Sidi Boughaba. He explained that, despite proactive measures taken by security forces in M'Diq and Fnideq, including setting up barriers and deploying more personnel, these efforts have not fully deterred further attempts at migration.
According to Mimoun, the association conducted a field visit two days after the mass exodus to Ceuta. Unofficial reports suggest that more than 5,000 people tried to cross, including over 500 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, more than 130 from Algeria, Syria, and Tunisia, and approximately 200 Moroccan minors.
Deported to other Moroccan cities
The events saw clashes between migrants and security personnel, resulting in injuries on both sides, although no official numbers have been released. Authorities responded by deporting many of the young people to cities such as Kalaat Sraghna and Beni Mellal, actions that Mimoun described as «punitive». He also cited reports from some individuals claiming their phones and money were confiscated during the deportations.
Addressing the photos circulating on social media that depict topless and battered migrants, Mimoun said, «We didn't notice signs of beatings, at least on the people we met». He suggested that the photos might be from a crossing attempt on August 26. The AMDH is currently preparing a human rights report on these events, but they are encountering difficulties in communicating with the young people due to their fear of exposure, deportation, or arrest.
«We certainly do not encourage irregular migration, but that does not justify violating these individuals' rights through torture or punitive deportations», Mimoun argued, calling for the disclosure of the numbers of injuries and arrests.
Meanwhile, Mohamed Benaissa, head of the Northern Observatory for Human Rights, confirmed that while the region is currently stable, there is still a security alert, with some groups of young people «ready to try again at any moment», especially given new calls on social media for mass migration.
From field observations, Benaissa stated, «While legitimate force was used during security interventions, no cases of torture were observed or reported». He criticized the deportations to other areas as a standard state practice that fails to address the root causes of the migration attempts. Benaissa urged for developmental, economic, and social policies targeting youth and minors, as well as accountability for the misuse of funds allocated to social programs.
Condemning alleged mistreatment
The Moroccan Space for Human Rights, another NGO, condemned the «tragic events» in Fnideq, emphasizing the state's responsibility for the «mass irregular migration attempts of thousands of young people» caused by poverty, marginalization, and unemployment. They called for the release of all those arrested in connection with these events and urged authorities to respect civil rights, including the right to travel and movement.
The group also demanded the immediate publication of investigation results regarding the photos showing young migrants appearing to be mistreated, underscoring that the crime of torture is not subject to the statute of limitations.
The Tetouan Court of Appeal's public prosecution had previously ordered a judicial investigation into the photos circulating online to verify the facts and the motives behind their dissemination.
It is worth noting that authorities have announced the arrest of 60 individuals, including minors, on suspicion of fabricating and spreading false information on social media to incite mass irregular migration. Additionally, 47 suspects were detained upon their arrival in the city by train or road in response to digital content.
Overall, Moroccan authorities estimate that they have arrested 4,455 people linked to the attempted crossing, including 3,795 Moroccan adults, 141 minors, and 519 individuals of various nationalities.

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